Chapter Eighteen |Year Three|

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Chapter Eighteen |Year Three|

Amelie had a bad feeling about Buckbeak's execution. She really, really, did. But there was no use getting worked up over it, as the rest of the exams had flooded their way upon the students.

The third-years all emerged from Transfiguration at lunchtime on Monday, limp and ashen-faced, comparing results and bemoaning the difficulty of the tasks, which had included turning a teapot into a tortoise.

Hermione was fussing over how her tortoise looked more like a turtle, (which was to the least of their concerns) nd the rest of the students were delirious and slumped over their food, expecting doom from their results.

Basically, everyone but Amelie and Draco were moaning and wailing over exams. The two had came out of the room feeling victorious, giving each other high-fives, knowing they had aced it. They were two of the brightest students, alongside Hermione, of course.

Blaise sat down next to them and slouched. "How are you guys feeling? McGonagall looked like she was gonna have a boner when I turned my teacup into a thong."

Amelie's eyes went wide and she gaped at him. "You did what?"

"Yeah, well, I tried. But the heart wants what it wants, ay?" he said sheepishly.

Amelie shook her head. "I don't think that's what the quote is supposed to be used for, but okay."

Taking a bite of his panini, Draco flipped off a shaggy fourth-year boy who was gazing at Amelie lustfully. He didn't it like it one bit when other boys ogled her, and no, it wasn't because he was jealous.

Backtracking... maybe he did, a little bit. But one, the feelings were never going to be requited, two, she was his best friend who he would never want to ruin his friendship with, and three, the feelings were probably going to fade away.

Draco wondered what happened with himself. He used to be the confident, take-no-crap, arrogant and witty blonde Slytherin king of the school. Some might say he was a bully, and he liked that. Now, he had softened.

But he actually did like the feeling... just a bit. Of having a real friend other than Blaise, and a female friend who wasn't drooling over his looks or complimenting him every second. He became sickened thinking of all the females like that, and was once again grateful that he wasn't the player he used to be.

Sleeping with a different girl every night became boring fast, no matter how much cleavage or ass they tempted him with.

He thought back to Amelie. Much more than a pretty face. Kind, daring, beautiful, witty, smart, and strong. She was the anchor to him.

"Drayyyycoooohhhhhh - " came a voice that snapped the blonde boy out of his thoughts.

"What?" he snapped. "Sorry," he then apologized, seeing it was Amelie.

"Okay, I thought you were like dead or something for a moment there. You were just staring at me creepily," she said, laughing, and then slung an arm around his shoulder. He smiled.

"I was just thinking."


[rapid time-skip]

After a few more exams, Care of Magical Creatures with Hagrid, Potions with Snape, who was slowly warming up to Amelie, and Astronomy, the day was over.

The next day (Wednesday), they took exams for Herbology.

Their second to last exam came on Thursday, which was DADA. It was the oddest exam any of them had taken; some sort of obstacle course that held a grindylow, Red Caps, hinkypunks, and then a new boggart.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2016 ⏰

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