You can't X have him X Mister Clown

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Ah. So you've found me.

The question is, what can you do about my existence?

P #2

Have you figured out who you are yet? Do you know who you're supposed to be?

Every person has a galaxy of thoughts and emotions inside of them, a personality manifested by stars. You, my friend, are so complex and full of paradoxes. You are a one-of-a-kind gem!

And yet, it's difficult to have a something so complicated trapped inside your chest. Why are there dark corners in your galaxy? Why do certain parts shine brighter than the rest?

But imagine holding the entire Universe under your skin, my Courtier.

I think I'd break at the seams.


Sloshing mud and grunting fell wearily on Ayano's ears. She had long given up trying to entertain herself with the different noises; dripping, thumping, grumbling and sighing weren't fun after a while.

Liquid spray flew around the applicants as they ran after Satotz. Their puffs of breath mingled with the fog, making it hard to see. The mist deeply reminded her of her island home.

"Pay attention now!" The voice of Satotz rose above the crowd. "Be sure to stay close behind me."

The Examiner's words were met with silence as everyone struggled to keep up with his long, graceful strides. Though the occasional 'hut!' from Leorio broke the silence, everyone was stone faced.

[ The corpse of the man still clung to their minds. ]

A serene twitter echoed overhead. Ayano glanced up to see a small black bird with a forked tongue. It cooed, leisurely trailing the applicants. The girl shivered on recognition; that was Hisano's favorite bird, the Ruse Raven. If she wasn't careful she would definitely fall into its trap.

The wetlands grew darker with moisture and sweat as the applicants continued their course.

"The fog is getting thicker." Kurapika murmured.  

Way to state the obvious. Ayano thought.

Then,  Killua tensed. The girl glanced at him, observing his strained neck muscle and the narrowed blue eyes. He's picked something up, she realized. She looked back.

Several men were running hard on Hisoka's heels.Misty air caught in her throat. What were they thinking? We're they really going to-

"Gon. Ayano." Killua started. Both children looked at him. "Let's move up."

Gon nodded dutifully. "Yeah," He replied. "We don't want to lose sight of the examiner!"

"I'm more concerned with increasing the distance between us and Hisoka." Killua mumbled. His blue eyes had darkened like the wetlands around them.  "Staying too close to him is dangerous; I can smell it."

"Smell?" Gon repeated blankly. Like a hound, he tested the air with his own nose. "Hmmmm. I don't think he smells." Before they could reply, the boy cried out. "Leoriooo! Kurapika! Killua says we should move up!" 

𝖱𝖧𝖸𝖳𝖧𝖬 𝖮𝖥 𝖥𝖠𝖳𝖤 (𝖧𝖴𝖭𝖳𝖤𝖱 𝖷 𝖧𝖴𝖭𝖳𝖤𝖱 𝖥𝖠𝖭𝖥𝖨𝖢𝖳𝖨𝖮𝖭)Where stories live. Discover now