Beitacle X Hotel*

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Author's Note: A chapter title that ends with an * is a chapter with fluff/angst/undertones of romantic inclinations between two characters or more.

It's hard to tell when Ayano is angry.

  I may be a sensationalist, but this much is true! It wasn't that the girl didn't get angry often; she got angry quite easily. Ayano's rage wore hysteria like a second skin. Her panic was anger, or rather, her anger manifested as panic.

Kurapika can tell the difference. It's her eyes, or maybe the tensing of her jaw. He isn't so sure himself of how he knows; His friend isn't an angry girl. Never-the-less, it was around the time of his employment that the Kuruta began to truly understand.

But in the end, it didn't matter what angered Ayano. 

Kurapika knew he would eventually become the cause of her rage. The Prodigy never apologized for her anger, even if it was irrational or misplaced.

It takes time, but Ayano usually forgives him.

(It will take time, but she will forgive him. She always does.)


Today, Ayano was angry.

Kurapika slid into the car seat. The line of white Toyota Prado's filed out of the airport, making their way towards Beitacle hotel. The limited traffic was a perk of Neon's pretentious display. 

Basho sat next to him, fiddling with his hair. "I hear Neon's an incredible diviner!" He mused. "Thanks to her fathers' connections, she's made clients of some very important people in the underworld."

"No," Kurapika replied swiftly. "It's the other way around."

"Other way around?"

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