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A timid I sauntered slowly
Clueless without knowing my purpose
Stumbled often but lifted myself rapidly
Out of state claimes to be oblivious
Unbeknownst to me you would came

A lad seemed scary and creepy
Who I scared of being eerie
But there's been an alteration
For what I knew about him
Everything about it,changed

When twinge,pain and throe felt by someone
He'll make it vanish and he won't leave you
He can be your shoulder to lean on
He always lend his ears to listen on you
When your tears seems to fall,he'll wipe it

But when struggles aheads on his way
He never show others how crestfallen he is
He fell got up then keep on smiling
Brawny man who rarely show frown
You'll feel it in every words he utter

The sighs of the grass seems to be a music
His voice  ease the pain I have
When I open my eyes I cries
Suddenly, you vanish

I realized that the lad I'm pertaining on
Is the one who became part of my sleeping life
If I'll be given a chance
I wan't to lay again in comatose state

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