Chapter 8 - Spin the Bottle

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(Oliver's POV)

I wrote a goodbye note

In lipstick on your arm

When you passed out

I couldn't bring myself to call

Except to call it quits

Best friends

Ex-friends till the end

Better off as lovers

And not the other way around

Racing through the city

Windows down

In the back of

Yellow-checkered cars

"Come one everyone! Let's play spin the bottle."

"Ronnie, are you serious? We're not in fucking sixth grade anymore." Kellin said

"Yeah but I'm a childish rock star who loves spin the bottle."

Kellin rolled his eyes and sat next to Vic, who sat next to me. I was sat next to Ashley, then Ronnie, Chris, Denis Stoff, Ben Bruce, Ricky, a couple of other girls, the rest of Pierce the Veil, Andy Biersack, Melanie Martinez, Troye Sivan, All Time Low, more bands that I hadn't recognized and then lastly, Fall Out Boy.

Everyone else was dancing on the dance floor, drinking at the bar or doing some emo karaoke on a huge stage near where we were.

"Is this everyone?" Ronnie asked

"Yesss" Jaime whispered. With wide eyes, he was bouncing up and down like a Mexican jumping bean, he seemed a bit drunk.

Jaime suddenly looked over at Melanie, crawled over Andy, and sat next to her. He looked at her dress and tried to eat the sleeve. Melanie just laughed.

Let's scratch "a bit drunk" because on a scale of one to ten, one being sober and ten being hammered so hard you've lost all your senses, Jaime was a twenty-three. I don't blame him though, I might've tried to eat her dress too, it looked to be made of candy.

"Okay, everyone knows how to play and knows all the basic rules, right?"

Jaime again whispered softly to Melanie and nodded violently. She laughed. Jaime was drunk, but Melanie was...well, Melanie.

"Alright well forget everything that you know because we're going to play the better version." Ronnie said. He drank what was left in his beer bottle and set it down in the middle of the circle.

"Ok so let's say if I spin it and it lands on Ricky, then I would have to kiss him for five straight seconds." Ronnie paused then started laughing, "Get it? Straight seconds? Because it would be..." Silence. His smile faded and he just trailed off.

All this time Ricky was blushed a very deep shade of red under all that white face paint. You could see he was getting flustered and he had put his hands in his lap, probably to hide his little friend down there.

Just then I see Jaime and Melanie start laughing their asses off. They must've been thinking the same thing as me. Andy, who was sitting next to the crazies, looked completely confused.

Ronnie cleared his throat and continued "If we agree not to kiss we will have to remove a piece of clothing from each other. We will all start with our shoes off and go on from there, but if you want to put clothes back on, you have to kiss for five extra seconds per piece of clothing. Everyone got it? No questions? Good."

I actually had a million questions and thoughts going through my head at that moment. 'Don't think, just do' was the last thing I heard in my head before Vic was shaking my shoulder to get my attention, "Oli, it's your turn."

Everyone was staring at me, I felt embarrassed, I felt the blood rush up to my cheeks. I decided to forget it, so I thanked Vic and crawled to the center to spin the bottle.

It spun for what seemed like forever but finally landed on...


We both locked eyes and stared at each other, a look of panic(!) displayed on our faces. I can't do this, Chris is like a brother to me, I'm not going to kiss him. He was clearly thinking the same thing as I was. We started to remove our shirts until Ronnie interrupted our stripping, reminding us that we had to remove each other's shirts. Of course, Ronnie being Ronnie, he waited until we were both in an awkward position, tangled in our shirts, to tell us that.

I sighed and moved closer to him so he could take my shirt off, when Chris was done I took off his and finally, to save our brotherhood, we awkwardly high-fived. My high-five palm tattoo has saved us all. All hail the hand tattoo.

We sat back in our seats and throughout the game I tried to stifle my laughter but right when Kellin and Vic were about to start making out I just fucking lost it.


Long time no see guys.

I always apologize because it's always late. I'm updating twice today.I feel less guilty that I've updated now, not sure why though.

The song up there is Bang the Doldrums by Fall Out Boy, my friend cookiecatNH suggested I should put this song in there.

Ok byee

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