Chapter 2 - Lovely Jerk

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(Ashley's POV)

"Did I have to get into an accident right now?" I said aloud "Couldn't it have been on the way to some boring family gathering? Not when I'm on my way to work."

When I got up out of the car I walked over to the guy who had hit me.  I went to his window and tapped on it. He rolled down the window and put his sunglasses on top of his head. He also didn't look much older than me, his gray beanie covered most of his dark brown mess of hair and his eyes were a beautiful shade of brown. He looked very familiar but I couldn't remember where I had recognized him from.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a voice.

"May I help you?" the man said.

I realized that I had been staring at him the whole time. I looked down to hide my red face. He chuckled at how embarrassed I was.

"Oops," I said under my breath.

"So what's the problem officer?" he asked

I pointed to where he had hit my car, "you hit me."

He laughed.

"What the fuck is so funny to you?" I asked in annoyance.

"You silly, silly girl. I didn't hit you,"

"Then what the hell is that?" I pointed to the wreckage.

He just kept looking between me and the accident, pretending to be confused.

Then when I wasn't looking he reached out of his car and lightly pushed my hand "now I hit you."

I just rolled my eyes and stared at the damage done to my car, trying to estimate how much it would cost to fix it.

"What's your name, love?"

"Ashley," I snapped back

"Ashley..." he squinted his eyes at me, "I like that name, very much."

I still stared at the damage, but my eyes slowly wandered over to his without me noticing.

I don't know how long I was looking into his eyes but it was obvious that it was more than I intended it to be.

"I'm going to win." He said in a sing-song voice.

I snapped out of my trance. "What?"

"The staring contest. I am very good at games." He smiled.

At this point I was infuriated. "Ok, I'm not here to play games. I need to go to work. You probably have nothing to do but there are people like me who actually work."

"Ashley, forgive me. I have made a mistake."

He took out a sticky-note, wrote something down on it and handed it to me.

"If you're smart, you'll call me." He put his car in reverse and started backing up slowly.

"Then I must not be the brightest girl." I mumbled

He stopped backing up.

"Miss Ashley!" He dramatically pretended to be hurt, "My feelings!", he said his voice breaking.

I tried to hide my smile but he saw it.

"I thought guys like you don't have feelings." I said

"Oh really?"

I crossed my arms and nodded.

"And Miss Ashley, what is that supposed to mean?"

"Fuckboy." I said quietly

"Excuse me?"

"Fuckboy." I said louder

"Well Miss Ashley, I must disagree."

"Ok whatever, I know it when I see it."

He looked around like as if he wasn't in the middle of no where with no one but him and I.

"Where?" he finally asked.

I pulled out a small compact mirror from my pocket and gave him the mirror.

He gasped dramatically, "I am not a fuckboy."

"Really? Because physically and verbally it seems that you are."

"Pssh. T-That's non-sense." he said, clearly flustered

"You're so stubborn."

"If I can prove to you that I am not a fuckboy, will you stop calling me that?"

"A fuckboy?"

He nodded violently.

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Sure, knock yourself out. Oh, and by the way, 1980 called and they want those sunglasses back."

He laughed, "You are funny, Miss Ashley." He picked up his phone and put it up to his ear as if he was taking a call.

"Ok....yeah....I'll tell her....okay, bye." He put his phone back in his pocket, "I just got a call from 2006 and they asked for their hair back."

I stood there, shocked.

He winked then said, "Au revoir"and with that he drove out of my sight.

"Fother Mucker, making me late to work." I muttered. I was so mad and annoyed, as I got into my car I cursed under my breath. I remembered my burnt toast and threw it out the window to a flock of birds that were sitting in the grass. I hit 'shuffle' on my phone and Teenagers by My Chemical Romance came up first. I turned my head phones up all the way so my thoughts would be drowned out by the lyrics.

They're gonna clean up your looks               

With all the lies in the books

To make a citizen out of you

Because they sleep with a gun

And keep an eye on you, son

So they can watch all the things you do

Because the drugs never work

They're gonna give you a smirk

'Cause they got methods of keepin' you clean

They gonna rip up your heads

Your aspirations to shreds

Another cog in the murder machine

They said all

Teenagers scare

The living shit out of me

They could care less

As long as someone'll bleed

So darken your clothes

Or strike a violent pose

Maybe they'll leave you alone

But not me

I never want to see that idiot ever again.

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