Chapter 16 - Drink Me

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((Oliver's POV))

I stood there, before the bar doors, thinking about how I left Ashley at the house, without a car. How the hell is she supposed to get to work? After I promised to drive her there. Oh shit.

I walked in and looked around, I saw my friends sitting at a table near the back. As soon as they spotted me they erupted in a roar of excitement. Jordan yelled, "HEEY Look! It's OLIIIII!!" slurring his words and pointing at me with a glass in his hand. I took a deep breath and walked over to Matt, who was the only sober one.

"Hey. So how long have they been like this?" I asked him

"Abou-" he was cut off by Jordan's loud slurring.

"HEY!" he came up behind me and put his hands around my waist "YOu knoW whaT I LOve aboUT YOU GuYS?"

Matt took out his phone and starting filming, rolling my eyes I answered, "What do you love about us?"

"NO." he came close to my ear, whispering, "You, Oliver Scott Sykes". He could barely stand up and he reeked of vodka. "Okay, what do you love about me?" His hands traveled farther down, below my waist. I suddenly felt something poking my lower back. My cheeks flushed red as a tomato and my eyes went wide. "Ummm.... Jordan?"

"I love your BIG, fat di-" he stumbled back and fell onto the floor.

We all burst into a fit of laughter and Lee even starting crying from laughing so hard. Matt posted the video on his Instagram and it blew up. I sighed and sat down at the bar, Matt pulled out a bottle of beer and slid it towards me. I grabbed the bottle and I looked it over. The cold green glass chilled my hands, the temptation was too much, I heard the two voices fighting back and forth in my head.

"Just one tonight"

"Are you crazy? You know what will happen if you start drinking again."

"But what's one drink?"

I shook my head and I stood it back up on the wood surface. "No thanks, Matt" I smiled politely and slid it back towards him.

"Since when are you polite? And since when do you not drink? It's your favorite beer." Matt said

I awkwardly chuckled "Oh Matt, you know I do a lot of stupid shit when I'm even the slightest bit intoxicated"

Before he could even open his mouth to respond I felt a cold hand on the back of my neck. Goosebumps spread all over my skin, ironically, like wildfire. I turned around to see Hannah standing there with her eyes glued to her phone screen.

"Hey...babe" I uttered the words so awkwardly it made me cringe slightly

"Heyy Oli" she kissed my cheek and snapped a picture of it

"So what was the important thing you had to tell me?" She sighed, "Well, I'll just come right out and say it" she smiled brightly and said "I'm pregnant".

Then I blacked out


I'm so sorry guys, these chapters are getting shorter and shorter. I'm going to be honest, I'm not totally motivated to keep going with this story. But I will keep going, for you guys. Btw I'm pretty sure BMTH is going to come out with some new music soon. Excited for that. If you've got any comments, questions or suggestions, comment because I like talking to you guys. My favorite song is always changing so tell your favorite song at the moment  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2017 ⏰

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