24| Molten Lava Cake

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Gage, I consider her practically my own daughter, which is why I have to ask you that if you do continue this relationship, or whatever it may be, please don't hurt her

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Gage, I consider her practically my own daughter, which is why I have to ask you that if you do continue this relationship, or whatever it may be, please don't hurt her. Katy has been through enough pain in her life. More than you know.

That's what Lamar had told me not too long ago. And although I never doubted him, I never imagined Katy's pain reaching this far. It just didn't make sense to me. How could someone so bright and caring come from such a dark past? And how did I not see this before? Was I so consumed by my own issues that I wasn't able to look past them and see her pain? Damnit. Was I really that big of an asshole?

But then again, Katy did keep this part of herself sealed up tight and out of view. She didn't want anybody to know the truth about her past. Least of all me. And while I was sitting around complaining about my own issues thinking that I had it bad, she was hiding her own pain behind her cheerful smile as if it didn't exist. Her own darkness was slowly swallowing her whole, yet she remained silent in fear that she would disturb others with her troubles. That's just how selfless Katy was.

I have been such an idiot thinking I had Katy figured out from the very beginning when in reality I couldn't be further from the truth. She was not this happy-go-lucky woman that had everything figured out. Like myself, she was a victim of her past. Only instead of moping around about it, she actually tried to find the good in her horrid situation. It made me want to punch myself for ever believing that Katy was weak when, in reality, she was the strongest person I knew. Far stronger than myself. But even she had her limits. And on those days, she reverted to hiding it all behind that smile.

As much as I hated to admit it, she wore that same smile with me earlier when I walked in on her and her mother arguing over something. But I wasn't fooled. Still, it stung a bit when she carried on like everything was fine. I figured she would talk to me about it later on, but she never did. And whenever I asked her about what was going on she kept assuring me not to worry about it. Naturally, it only raised my concern.

Even now I could tell something was off by the way she kept quiet while getting ready for the competition. The Katy I knew would be rambling hardcore from all her nerves. Instead, she has only spoken a few words to me. It confused me because she didn't seem sad, she just seemed . . . off. I wasn't sure what her mother said to her back there at the vending machines, but whatever it was really affected her. More than she would admit it.

I promised her a while back that I would always be there for her, and I intended on keeping that promise. Even if she didn't want me to get involved, I have to to make sure that she was okay. Just like she always did for me. I was not going to let her fight her battles alone anymore.

I would always protect her.

"Are you ready to go?" Katy asked walking in from the bathroom while putting on her earrings. She looked beautiful, as always, but I could tell that her overly done makeup was hiding something more than just the dark circles under her eyes.

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