Snape's Lie

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Snape's Lie

Lily had inserted herself on the couch directly between the two boys so that Sirius's arm crossed over her shoulders as well as Remus's and her cheek pressed again Remus's shoulder as they told her exactly how it had happened that Sirius had asked Remus if he could be his boyfriend. "He actually said the words will you have me Moony and I thought I'd pass out," Remus said, looking over at Sirius, "That was brilliant. And your eyes when you said it..."

"I really thought you might say no," Sirius said thickly.

"Never," Remus replied.

Lily's eyes were all gooey as she glanced up first at Rey, then up at Sirius, "Oh my goodness. And then what? Then what?"

"Well then Moony leaped on me like the wolf he is and started snogging me good and proper," Sirius replied.

Lily clasped her hands. "And then?"

"Well, we were snogging when you came in," Remus said, "And... here you are."

Lily looked dreamy a moment.

"Yes, Evans, here you are... on the couch... with us, where we were snogging... for the first time ever..." Sirius said pointedly.

"Oh..." Lily paused a moment as his words sank in, then her eyes widened. "Oh bloody hell, you want to get on with it, I suspect and here I am, literally come between you." She flushed and jumped up. "I'm sorry. Do carry on, I'm sorry. I won't bother you. I'll just -- I'll go upstairs. You won't even know I'm here." Remus smirked as Lily turned to sneak away, "Totally silent like a mouse," she said.

The common room door opened and Peter came in at that moment, humming happily, looking rather dreamy about the face. "Speaking of mice," muttered Sirius, looking back at him. "Pete, you look flushed. What happened?"

"Annalee McKinnon," Peter said. "We danced... She danced with me. With ME."

"Hey good on you," Sirius said. Then he paused. "Well where's Potter then?"

Peter shrugged, "I dunno. He left her to go after --" Peter looked at Lily, who had stopped walking away to stand by the stairs and look at Peter in surprise at the news that Annalee McKinnon had been dancing with Pettigrew rather than James Potter. "Well he went to go after you," Peter said, pointing at Lily. "Where did you go?"

"Had a fight with Severus, then came back here and I --" she glanced at Sirius and Remus, unsure if they wanted the news out and she said, "I've been talking with this lot."

Sirius looked concerned. "Well if we're all here, then where the bloody hell is James at?" He got up and ran up to the dormitory.

Remus got up, too. He looked Peter over. "Was she everything you hoped, Pete?" he asked.

"Oh yes and then some," Peter replied, starry eyed. "I... I think I'm in love. She called me adorable."

"GUYS!" Sirius came charging down the stairs, "He's in the hospital wing."

"What?" Lily looked up as Sirius came down, brandishing the Marauder's Map. "He's in the bloody hospital wing. With Snape and Pomfrey and Kingsley Shacklebolt."

"That's not good," Peter said, his face filling with concern. "Oh no. No wonder he didn't come back. Oh no."

Remus grabbed his and Sirius's wands from the table by the couch, where they'd put them while they were snogging proper, as Sirius had said. Remus ran for the portrait hole, tossing Sirius his wand, and Lily followed. "Are you coming then?" Sirius asked her.

The Marauders: Year FourWhere stories live. Discover now