Son of Toddy and Mitzy

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Son of Toddy and Mitzy


The three wizards and Kreacher landed on the sidewalk before Malfoy Manor. The mist that had hung over Hogwarts grounds was a thick fog here, creating an eerie effect on the house as the three of them gathered their wits about them. Severus recovered first, straightening the long black robes and straightening the cuffs of his uniform. "Tuck in your shirt, Regulus." Regulus looked down, numbly, and shoved his shirt into the waistband of his pants, where it had come half undone.

Barty stared at one of the ornate peacocks strutting across the lawn with a raised eyebrow, clearly judging the frivolous nature of such a thing.

Severus started to walk forward, but Regulus caught his arm. "Severus... they're after my brother," he said.

Severus stood still, contemplating how to reply. Regulus sounded upset, but as far as Severus was concerned he hoped they would catch Sirius Black. Hoped he'd get to see the moment when the Dark Lord killed him. His mum was to be avenged this night. But Regulus's eyes were wide with worry.

Before Severus could think of something neutral to say, Barty said, "Your brother's a blood traitor, he deserves whatever he gets."

Kreacher looked up at Regulus, hs ears moving sympathetically.

Severus's face twitched with the words. Sirius Black did deserve whatever he got, he thought. For killing Eileen Prince, Sirius Black deserved a lot worse than the death Voldemort would serve him. The thing Severus really wanted to know, above all the other little mysteries of the night, was what the door below the Whomping Willow had to do with Sirius Black and where did that door go that Kreacher sealing it meant they'd catch Sirius Black? And what were they doing on the grounds? Surely Black wasn't still on the grounds? He'd been expelled... Of course, the bloody Marauders - James Potter and that reckless, rule-breaking lot of horrid gits probably had found some way to sneak him back...

Regulus took a deep breath. It shook slightly...

Severus looked at him and he attempted to enter his mind, just to be sure that the boy was safe from Voldemort seeing his concern.

Regulus's mind was locked.

"Very good with the occlumency," murmured Severus.

Regulus didn't reply.

"Come, let's go in." Severus stepped forward and the other three followed after - Kreacher running again, reaching into his pouch to withdraw the golden alarm clock and polishing it with his pillowcase to get rid of the fingerprints on the gold and glass face.

There were cries filling the hall as they entered the front door but they weren't of pain - they sounded like a funny baby's cries. The three of them stood there in the entryway, looking around... Kreacher scurried through the doorframe into the parlor on the left, clutching the clock. "Kreacher is returned, Kreacher is back with the clock," came the elf's voice, "Master Orion tells Kreacher to get the clock and bring it to the Dark Lord sir and here is Kreacher with the clock."

"So it's true," the Dark Lord's voice was shrill and excited and there was a pause of a beat, then a loud crack of skin against skin and a whimper from Kreacher. Regulus stiffened at the sound of the whimpers and his jaw set and he moved forward, into the parlor.

Before they followed, Barty Crouch Jr. looked at Severus Snape. "The Dark Lord is in there," he murmured, a starstruck sort of awe to his voice.

"Yes," Severus said flatly, "He is." And she strode into the parlor, followed by Barty, whose wide eyes took in the Dark Lord's form as he sat before the fire in a very ornate chair, turning the clocks over in his hands, grinning.

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