And You're A Liar, But So Am I.

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But, I don't get it. Why me?

sent at 2:03 am
seen at 2:03 am

(!) let me tell you something: my head is a ruckus. it is almost like a highway. sometimes empty with the cool breeze combing through your hair like mothers do gently to their newborn babies. other times, it is busy with cars hiding reckless drivers and restless abandons. you know not all of them will make it through their journey.

but that day, when you pulled me in and locked your arms around me, every engine slowed down and the streetlights started flickering. our friends were speaking but their words held no meaning. you whispered something i couldn't make out. i'm sorry, but my senses were just too busy drinking in the feel of your skin on me as i thought to myself, "i wouldn't mind building finding comfort right there, where your heart beats."

felt kind of heavy, though, when you finally let go. did you feel it, too?

and when you enveloped your hands around mine, i'd like to think i was calm and collected but we all know my eyes went a little too wide and i was wearing that goofy little smile. cold. your hands were cold. were you nervous or was it the air conditioning? that's alright, i just hope mine were warm enough to spark, in you, something.

i know i was a bit too rough when i practically pounced on you as you walked through that door, and i know it was a bit too much resting my head on your shoulder while our friends conquered the dancefloor. but when i insisted on taking pictures of us, you were laughing, too. you have a bright smile. i hope acquintances constantly remind you.

i'd like to think you got up and left because you weren't used to feeling emotions other than lone. because in that case, i understand, my love. your family was never one to teach you  of home.

you picked up my broken bones, the aftermath of ex-lovers, and taught me that sometimes it was okay, dancing with the devil. you dusted every dark thought in my head and opened the curtains, you reminded me i have a sunrise to catch with kisses as soft as cotton.

i have a bruise on my lip from biting back three words that define every desire. however, i am no longer afraid to love you, even despite the fact that you are ice and i am fire.

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i guess i haven't quite put thought into that. no worries, bud. tis probably just a tiny crush.

sent at 2:18 am
seen at 2:19 am

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