I Need You To Know.

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We were dancing in the dark with only red flickering lights helping me make out your silhouette. The songs were out of date, the people were tired and sweaty, the singer was obviously lipsynching, yet everybody still wanted a picture.

Then there were the two of us; youth defined by our bodies swaying to their own beat, sneaking touches every now and then because we knew we wouldn't be able to do this again in a long time, shamelessly hopping on our heels like we were in one of those overrated pubs. We owned the centre of the dancefloor as well as the attention of most people. There wasn't a care in the world. You had me, and I had you, and we had the night.

You leaned forward cautiously and screamed in my ear over the ruckus, "If you ever need somewhere to live, somewhere to runaway to, you know my parents love you." For a second I am conflicted by where this is coming from or what it actually means, but the hug that you give me afterwards makes it clear. It wasn't a goodbye hug like the others, nor was it one given out of empathy. It was a hug to explain that these arms could always be my second home.

I swear I almost cried. You bitch, you almost made me lose my vibe and cry right there, in the middle of a song about sex.

How could you know the answer to my question without me even needing to ask it? I never told you. You just knew. Did you see it in my eyes or the way I walked? Did you just think I needed to know? Cause you were right, I needed to know.

Suddenly, it all made sense. You did nothing to deserve me, like I did nothing to deserve you. We simply came to finding each other because in one way or another, we needed each other.

Oh, and by the way, my parents love you just as much.

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