|| 10 Truth

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~Couple hours later~

Taurtis's Pov:
A few hours after I woke up they released me from the hospital and now Sam has been bugging me about moving in with him, so that way I don't get kidnapped again. "Please Taurtis!" Sam begged me. "Sam I've been telling you this over a thousand times now, I'm not gonna get kidnapped again, so forget it." I said sternly. He looked pretty upset and I hate to see him sad. "Ugh fine I'll move in with you." I told him giving in to his begging. "Yay!!" Sam cheered then tackled me to the ground hugging me so tightly that I couldn't breathe. "Sam, stop please I can't breathe" I laughed. "Oh I'm sorry" Sam said as he let go.


Finally we are done moving all my stuff it took a few hours, but we are finally done. I sat down on the couch and Sam walked up to me and sat down on my lap causing me to blush bright red. "Hey Taurtis can I ask you something?" He asked nervously. "Sure what is it?" I responded being curious to what's on his mind. "Why did you kiss me at the hospital??" He asked while tilting his head in both curiosity and confusion. Oh shit!! I forgot I did that!!! "Uhhh I.......umm" I said struggling to find the right words to say to him. Sam tilted his head in more confusion. God he's so cute. "Sam" I choked out after a long period of silence. "yes??" "I lied to you..." "About what??" "I love you Sam" He just stared at me. I knew he didn't feel the same. "Really Taurtis it took you this long to figure that out!!" I didn't say anything. Sam just got off me and started yelling at me. "When I told you that I loved you.....you didn't take me seriously you left me heartbroken Taurtis!!!! And now you finally fess up!! Well I don't feel the same anymore YOU KILLED THAT PART OF ME!!!!!! NOW NO ONE WILL EVER LOVE YOU!!!!!" Sam then ran out the door. I didn't try to stop him he was right no one will ever love me....I didn't wanna do anything anymore.

Sam's Pov:
I couldn't believe it Taurtis lied to me. I just ended up yelling at him because he left me heartbroken when I confessed to him and now I probably hurt him. I didn't care about him anymore. I didn't wanna live with him so I ran away and I knew exactly where I was going.

??? Pov:
I had just finished cleaning when I heard a knock on the door. That's weird  no one normally visits me. When I opened the door I saw someone who I thought I had lost forever
My childhood friend

Yeah!! Chapter 10 is done and now we know that Taurtis loves Sam but Sam doesn't feel the same anymore 😭😭😭. Also who do you think this new character is?? Anyways I hoped you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter bye bye -LilAnti~💚

Just Friends??? (Saurtis) [Book 1] [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now