|| 14 Losing him

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Sam's Pov:
I was about to yell at Taurtis some more when he jumped hanging himself. I couldn't believe it he was actually was trying to kill himself. There was a knife in my pocket for some unknown reason, so I grabbed it and quickly cut the rope of his neck. He fell to the ground completely limb. I actually thought he was dead, so I started crying until I saw his hand twitch. I quickly checked his pulse it was normal, so I just had to wait for him to wake up. I gently picked him up and layed him down on his bed and I layed next to him. After a couple of mins he opened his eyes and started to look around. "Taurtis??" I said while gently knuding him. He looked over at me and that's when I saw how much damage I did to him. His eyes were completely dull showing no reason why he wanted to live anymore.

Taurtis's Pov:
I just stared at Sam while tears ran down his face. Why did he save me when he doesn't care about me at all. He hugged me tightly while crying into my chest. I just looked away I was way to hurt to meet his gaze, but he noticed this and forced me to look at him. "Taurtis I am so sorry for everything I never wanted any of this to happen......I need you!!" He just hugged me tighter and for some reason I didn't believe him until he pressed his lips up against mine. It was impossible to describe how I felt. This was no ordinary kiss I felt sparks and he flinched a little bit signifying that he felt them too.

Sam's Pov:
I kissed Taurtis just begging him to forgive me, but then I noticed something I felt the same way I did in my dream then it dawned upon me I loved Taurtis. I pulled away and looked at him to see his eyes got a little brighter. "I'm sorry I understand if you hate me." I looked down certain that he was gonna get up and leave, but he didn't instead he hugged me back. "I love you Sam" I was so shocked and happy he actually loves me!!! "I......I love you too Taurtis." He kissed me and I kisses him back it felt so amazing, but a new question popped into my head. What will happen now???

Hey guys I am trying to update at least one story every day, but things aren't exactly the best right now anyways Sam and Taurtis love each other!!! Will they become boyfriend and boyfriend???? That sounds a little werid O_O.....anyways Find out what happens in the next chapter bye bye -LilAnti~💚

Just Friends??? (Saurtis) [Book 1] [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now