|| 13 Suicide?!?

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(Warning: This chapter includes signs of depression and attempted suicide plz read at your own risk.....)

~few days later~

Sam's Pov:
It's been a few days since Taurtis has confessed to me and all he does now is sit in his room all day and cry. I do feel really bad for him, because he's been causing harm to himself. Well only thing I do about it is bully him and hurt him, but I didn't know how far it went until today. I was sitting at the table eating some breakfast before I went to school until I heard someone stumble down the stairs. I looked over to see a broken taurtis coming down. "Hey faggot!!" He didn't respond to me he just walked out the door.


During class I got up to go to the bathroom, but when I got back I found a few pictures on my desk. The first one was a picture of me and Taurtis, but a line was drawn down the middle separating us. The second one was a drawing of Taurtis hanging himself in his bedroom. I just laughed at the pictures and ripped them up and threw the pieces at him. After class was over I decided to pick on Taurtis some more during lunch, so I did. I did everything you could think of to hurt him except sexually cause that faggot would probably enjoy it. Next was gym, but I didn't see Taurtis during gym so I just left and went back to the house.

Taurtis's Pov:
I hate Sam so much for what he's done to me. I didn't want to go to gym, so I just went home instead and went up to my room ready to hang myself. Everything was ready, and I was about to jump when my door slammed open and I saw Sam staring at me. "Wtf do you think your doing?!?" He yelled at me. "I'm killing myself" he started laughing at me. He didn't take me seriously at all he thought I was joking. I couldn't take it anymore, so I took a deep breath and jumped knocking the stool down. I didn't get a chance to see Sam's reaction because it was impossible to breath and then everything went black.

I'm sorry this is such a dark chapter I promise the next ones will be happier and also cliffhangers 😝😝😝. What will happen next? Is Taurtis really dead?? How will Sam react?? Find out in the next chapter bye bye -LilAnti~💚

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