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I reached 300 reads!!! Ahhh!!!

I never thought that my book would get this far, so THANK YOU!
I'm not going to do that whole entire paragraph explaining how thankful I am because a lot of people would skip through it anyway :p
So here's just one more THANK YOU!

Here is my schedule:
-men's hair
-cartoon eyes.

Feel free to add anything to my schedule.

Also in celebration of 300 (almost 350!) reads, I will draw any of your OC's. They will be at the bottom of my tutorials if anyone links their OC or describes them. That probably won't happen but it's ok X)
You can also just tell me a character and I will draw them for you!

But anyways back to the regular deal, the next chapter will be another requested tutorial.

Lots of love,

How To Draw ANYTHINGWhere stories live. Discover now