The finally knowing

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" guys I am going to tell her the story but I don't feel good about it" I said.

" look lad she will understand can't you tell our her idol" Harry said.

" yeah dude just go do it!" Baby mahone said (A/N guys baby mahone is Austin I love calling him that)

" I guess I will just do it since she is one of our kind" I said.

" why don't we stay here for the week huh?" Louis and Liam say.

" ya thanks Bros you guys are the best" I said fist bumping all of them.

" ok I'll brb I am probably going to bring back a shocked Chloe" I say going upstairs the guys chuckle.

-knock knock-

" one second" Chloe says running up to get the door.

" can we talk?" I ask.

" sure did the guys leave?" Chloe asks.

" no there staying here for the month or week or something"I said.

" ok so come in let's talk about what you wanted to say.

" ok Chloe sit" I demand.

She sits and waits for me to tell her.

" Chloe Are a vampire and superhero" I said.


" Chloe a vampire" Justin says

My heart freezes I am a vampire and a super hero but.. I .. Am I lame middle school girl a 13 year old who everyone hates.

" Chloe! Don't you ever say that about your self your not a lame 13 year old your a wonderful girl. And I don't ever want you to say that about your self" Justin says.

Justin hugs me " how did you know I said that I was thinking?" I ask confused.

" I can read your mind" Justin says.

" k let's go down stairs" Justin says walking me down.

I didn't even move a muscle Justin dragged me down and I didn't even move.


" quit fighting lads!" Liam yells

Justin went upstairs to talk to glow about her being one if us. Yes shocking but true..

" Liam I hate this show it's the worst!!" Niall shouts.

Liam puts his hand on his chest dramatically " HUH?? Dora is not a worst show it's the best!!" Liam yells .

" boys boys quit it!" Baby mahone says.

" find but he started it" Niall said.

" hey guys I brought her down with me she is a little uh shocked" Justin says carrying Chloe down the stairs.

" here bro let me help " baby mahone says going to hold Chloe.

" thanks" Justin says.

Baby mahones POV

" thanks" Justin says to me.

I had to help him the girl was frozen in shocked.

"Sweetie Chloe honey wake up" I said in a soothing voice.

I leaned in and kissed her cheek.

We set her on the couch and went to play video games. I know you say we're being messed up but come on, we can't do anything. We wanted her to relax so you know.

" so lad how is she" Louis asked Justin.

" we'll she is starting to wake" I say.


I start opening my eyes and I hear.

" we'll she's starting to wake up"

" Wha what's going on?" I whispered.

The boys jumped. I laughed.

" Chloe!! Your awake!!" Justin and baby mahone come say to me.

" yeah I am and about the thing you told me! Jay! Why wouldn't you just have told me!" I said.

" sorry sweetie but you know I couldn't I was sworn to secrecy I am your brother" Justin says. Trying to hold tears.

" wait brother?" I say In shock.

" yes Chloe I am your older brother" Justin says.

" but.. Austin.. Austin is my older brother" I say crying.

" Austin mahone is your older brother?" Justin asks in shock.

" woah woah woah I am not your brother.." Baby mahone says.

" not you pretty boy I am talking about my brother at home." I say.

" well he's your brother but so am I.. You will find out what happened later it's ok Chloe" Justin said.

" ju--ju--stin you are.. The- best.. Brother in the world I love you" I say crying.

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