Can't Help // Leo (PART III)

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  Everyone finally finished putting every bag into the bonnet and got into the bus. Then took our seats, and start our 6 hour bus ride journey from Seoul to Busan.

  Hmmm.. Let's see. The usual clique of Seung Woo, Byung Chan, Se Jun, Heo Chan and Taekwoon conquered the back seats. The following seats after them were ugh, Jae Hee and friends obviously. Then some other people filling up the middle section, then the first five rows were occupied by my noisy clique.

  Since it was a 6 hour journey, we couldn't care less and started making noises and our own concerts inside the bus. We all shared some stories, shared food and share laughters together. Inside jokes were created, different types of laughters could be heard. It was an unforgettable memory.

  After all of that, four and a half hours have passed. Some fell asleep soundly after making lots of noise, some played games on their phone and some were having small talks among themselves.

  It came unexpectedly, but I can't hold onto it anymore. I wanted to pee.

  "Psst, Bo ra, I want to peeeeee," I woke Bo ra up. 

  "Don't ask me, go ask the teacher in charge, " she answered lazily while trying to continue sleeping.

  I had no other options other than that. I asked the teacher in charge if we could stop by somewhere to have a toilet break. 

  They didn't agree with it but as soon as I said it's urgent and my face looking as if I'm constipated, The teachers agreed with it. The bus stopped five minutes later at a toilet that was build out of nowhere for people who are on a long distance journey.

  As soon as it stopped, I was the first one to come out from the bus to go to the toilet. I was literally covering my vagina with my hands to hold it from coming out and got so relieved when I got into the cubicle to pee. Only then, I found out that the button on my jeans were loose.

  I cleaned myself then panicked. Ahh eotteoke??!! What if the button is not attached to my jeans?? ah!! I was sweating and got myself stuck in the toilet for seven minutes figuring out how to save myself.

  Ah hah! I found a safety pin on the ground and I just had to use it. I'd rather use a rusty safety pin than embarrass myself with a loose button jeans. After fixing my button, I went out of the cubicle and washed my hands.

  I saw Jae Hee just left the toilet. Hmmm she did went to the toilet? I didn't notice though?? Hmmmm, maybe it was because I was the first person to leave the bus.

  After a few minutes, it felt strange. Why don't I hear the sound of the bus engine anymore?

  My mind imagined the worst-case scenario and I was praying to every god, hoping that it won't happen.

  I went out of the toilet to see the bus was far ahead me. I panicked. I decided to try my luck and ran. With hope, I ran a few meters up while shouting for the bus to notice me. Unfortunately, I felt a crack on my left ankle and fell. My heart beat went faster, I felt tears rolling down. After a few seconds on the ground floor, the bus was no where to be seen.

  My heart aches. Is this what I think it is? Is this Jae Hee's revenge? I cried and shouted to my heart's content in the middle of a road.

  I found myself lost in the middle of nowhere with only a large ass forest and toilet that's available. I was scared  and lost like a little child. I thought that maybe I could call Bo ra or something. Good, stupid me didn't bring anything along. On top of it, the sun is almost setting. I couldn't think of any solution. I was so scared. I heard footsteps at first coming from the toilet then a voice which made me feel so relieved.

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