Skype (5)

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{A/N: This isn't going to be texting. Also I don't know how skype works and I'm too lazy to figure it out plus it's an au so I'm making it all up. BTW: word count doesn't count Author Notes if you were wondering.}
(Dan's POV)
I look at the time. I have exactly 8 minutes until I can skype him. I want to see his face. I want to hear his voice. I want to meet him in real life but that comes later. I'm nervous. 4 minutes. I open my laptop and go to slow and log in. 2 minutes. I search AmazingPhil. I find it. I request to friend him. He accepts. I press the "Call" option. Then wait for him to accept. He accepts. Then it loads his face. Mostly shades of gray. But I can see a hint of green in his eyes and some red in his cheeks then I see his hair. It's black beautiful raven black. But that's all I see. I wish I could see every colour. Not until I find my soulmate. "Hello." I say noticing I'm staring. He's really pretty in black and white but I want to see the colour. "Hi Dan." He says.

(Phil's POV)
I accept his call. Oh god I look horrible. Maybe Skype will be bad and pixelated so he can't see me. Then it loads his face. I see his hair. His gorgeous chestnut brown hair with tints of orange because of the lighting. He is gorgeous. Even if he is mostly shades of gray. I want to see him in colour though. Then I notice I'm staring. "Hello" he says. Oh wow I'm so rude. "Hi Dan." I reply. Then he says how he's glad I answered and I'm not an old man who eats children. "I could still eat children you know." I reply. He fakes a shocked look and says "Do you?" I couldn't help but laugh. He starts laughing and it's like music to my ears. I know cliché but his laugh is so pretty. I love his laugh. "I love your laugh." Oh no. That totally just slipped out. I didn't mean to say that. "Thank you Phil. Yours is nicer than mine. I sound like a hyena compared to you." I hope he's kidding his laugh is beautiful like him. "You do not sound like a hyena." I say. And he chuckles. "Philly calm down I was joking I know I don't." And that makes me smile even more.

[378 words]

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