4: Can't Run Forever

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"Attention passengers. We apologize for the short delay. The tracks are being worked on now and we will be on our way in just a few short minutes."

Emma rolls her eyes at the memory.

'A few short minutes' had turned out to be 15 and they still hadn't left yet. Subways were always like that and she was well aware. But this was the one time that she'd hoped public transportation would surprise her.

Her eyes fall to the plane ticket clutched in her hand.

'1 way: Boston'

Maybe it wasn't the most glamorous place in the world. What it was, though, was far away. And far away was all she needed right now.

It was all planned out. She'd go there, get a job and make a small life for her and her child, find herself and her purpose. Then they'd both be out of there and on the first flight to Europe.

There were flaws to her scheme of course (Like what job she'd be qualified for that would pay enough to go to Europe.) but she didn't want to think about any of them right now. As long as New York was behind her she didn't care what was ahead.

"If we could have your attention once more everyone, We'd like to announce that we have assessed the problem and will now be en route."

Emma sighs in relief, ignoring the rest of the cautionary instructions the conductor was giving as she relaxed into her seat.

The doors began to slide shut, air filtering through them and blowing though her hair.

Boston here we come.


"You have got to be kidding me."

Emma made no attempts to hide her frustration with the woman running along the subway tracks, making everyone pay for her own tardiness.

For gosh sake, departure was delayed by 15 minutes and she still couldn't make it on time?

Maybe she should feel guilty for hoping that the conductor might ignore her plea and continue on but she didn't. It was a fruitless hope anyway because if the amount of people jammed into this too small cart was any indication, this was a greedy industry. The woman was another dollar sign and if she didn't ride, she didn't pay.

So it was no real surprise when the doors halted, sliding open wide enough so she could fit through. What was a surprise, just who she turned out to be.


Her could-of-been-mother-in-law swings around immediately, meeting her gaze with a strange amount of joy.

"Emma," She smiles (Really? She's smiling?) and squeezes her way through the mess of people. "Isn't this a surprise."

No kidding.

Emma kept the thought to herself, instead choosing to meet her with the same friendly warmth. However misplaced it seemed.

"Yeah, It definitely is..."

Milah made to say something but was interrupted by yet another announcement from the conductor that they'd be delayed a "few short moments" for headcount reasons. She translated that to mean that they were waiting for more stragglers to arrive which can be even further broken down to cha-Ching.

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