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Mari's POV

"Mari! Mari! MARINETTE!" Screamed Tikki at the top of her lungs.
"I'm up! I'm up!" Marinette looked at the clocked and screamed. "It's already 9:00! Tikki why didn't you wake me up! Ugh, no time for this, got to get ready. Tikki, can you pick out an outfit for me?" Mari scrambled around looking for her homework and bag. She then put on the clothes Tikki had picked out. It was a black tank top with shorts that want to her stomach. Instead of her usual white bag she got a black one. Who knew a purse could be so comfortable! She rushed to find some hair ties and asked Tikki which shoes she picked. Tikki pointed to some black boots. She hurriedly put on the boots and ran out the door. Well this was a terrible way to start my day. As Mari ran up the stairs she remembered that they were practicing the play today. The one where she kissed the main character. Miss Bustier is holding auditions for that role today. Mari approached the door to her home room class and walked in. Miss Bustier was unhappy she had come so late, unexcused.
"Marinette! This is one too many times you have been late, I'm sorry, but go the principals office!" Mari's face drooped as a frown creeped upon her face. She slowly turned and walked to the office. As she turned she heard a few snickers and jokes. She automatically knew it was the snobby blonde, Chloe.
Her instincts kicked in and she turned around and yelled at Chloe, "What is so funny Chloe?!"
"Miss Dupain-Cheng the principals office, NOW!" Mari stormed out not regretting what she did. Tikki came out of the purse with her reassuring smile saying
"It's ok Mari, everyone has their bad days, even you."

Principal's POV

I heard a knock at the door. "Mr. Damocles, may I enter?" Asked an unknown student.
"Yes, do come in." He was surprised when Marinette Dupain-Cheng entered his office. Why is she here? She may be tardy often, yes, but, she never gets in trouble. After all, she is the class representative. "What are you here for?"
"I was tardy and yelled at Chloe." Replied the shy young girl.
"You will be here for only half an hour after school. As long as you know what you did was wrong." She looked at me in horror.
"Half an hour!"
"I could make it longer if you would like." She sighed and left the office.

Mari's POV

I sighed as I walked back to class. Could this day get any worse. Great, bet I just jinxed myself. I walked into the class ignoring all the guys staring at me.
"Glad you could join us Miss Marinette."
Marinette leaned over to her best friend and said, "Hey, did I miss anything important?"
"Nah, Miss Bustier was just going over the auditions for lead male role." Alya smirked and said "Aka the guy Mari over here will be making out with. You know Mari, I hear that Adrien really likes acting." This cheered me up a bit. I know.

Adrian's POV

Mari came in the door but was caught by the teacher. "Marinette! This is one too many times you have been late, I'm sorry, but go to the principals office!" Man, Miss Bustier really snapped. I guess teaching us has really got to her. Right as Mari left Chloe started bad mouthing her and started laughing.
I was about to say something when Mari came in and yelled, "What is so funny, Chloe?!"
"Miss Dupain-Cheng, the principals office, NOW!" I felt bad for Mari, always getting mouthed by Chloe, but I guess she kinda gets her back. She's kinda cute when she goes off on Chloe... I stopped thinking about that when Mari walked in. I didn't realize her outfit earlier but I couldn't stop staring. It looked like none of the guys could as well.
Nino nudged me and said, "Dude your blushing like crazy." I hid my face before I embarrassed myself even more. The obnoxious bell went off, signaling class was over.
"Tonight's home work is to finish your books, which most of you should be done, since we used the beginning of class for that." The teacher sent Mari a nasty look. All right, next class is Ms. Mendeleiev with math and science. Yay.... Well, at least I have it with Mari,Nino,and Alya.Emphasizing Mari... She's such a good friend..
"Ok class, turn to page A120 in your science workbooks. Today we will be reading about the reaction between two very powerful forces. Then tonight, we will be doing a 5 page packet over it. You may begin reading . . . Now." After what seemed like forever, the bell rang. Awesome, time for auditions.

Mari's POV

"Tonight's home work is to finish your books, which most of you should be done, since we used the beginning of class for that." Miss Bustier looked at me with a real nasty expression. Great, now I am on her bad side. Ms. Mendeleiev's class is next... Wonderful. She explains to us the homework assignment. Great more homework, I swear if there is an akuma attack I will officially have the worst day ever. After working hard to finishing my homework, the bell rings. Alright, now it is time for auditions.


Everyone was filing in for auditions. Miss Bustier called Mari to the front. "Alright lady and gentlemen. It is time for auditions to start. This is Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She is playing the leading female role. You all will be doing lines with her by pairs and she and I will be deciding the person who plays the role. Marinette you may sit down." Marinette looked at who was auditioning. There was Kim, Prince Ali, Adrien and Nathaneal.
"Kim, I had no idea you were into acting!" Mari said with a smile.
"I'm not here for the acting sweetheart." Kim replied with a sly smirk on his face. Mari was flustered and sat down at her seat. Adrien was watching and heard everything. He was not happy with Kim. How rude and sexist... He should treat her with more respect. Or better yet, stay away from her completely. Adrien was seething. Before he could think about how angry he was, it was his turn to audition, and he was doing it with Nathaneal.
"I am only a simple maiden in this tower. Tell me young knight why hath you come to save me? There are many beautiful young princesses out there who need saving." It was Adrien's turn to respond to Mari's line. He looked her in the eyes as he stated the line from memory.
"Because Princess, you are beautiful inside and out. All the other damsels may be pretty and of royal blood. But you my princess, are gorgeous and you have a rare item... a heart of gold." Everyone was staring at them as they looked at each other with adoring eyes.
"So, how did we do?" Adrien asked as he turned to Miss Bustier. She too was astounded and she tried to hide her smile.
"That was... Uhm, that was good. Next," was all she could choke out. Nathanael knew he had to do his best.
Mari started the next scene, "Oh brave knight, how shall I ever repay my graditude, for there are no words that can explain my joy. It is like the warm feeling you have as you watch the sun go down with a loved one."
Nathanael said the line he had been waiting to say all day, "My beautiful princess, you can repay me by finishing my quest, by granting me a kiss of true love." Nathanael went in for the kiss to finish the scene, but Adrien butter in.
"Actually, you know, you're good Nathan. I mean, great scene and all but I don't think anyone wants to see PDA right now."
Mari was a little stunned to say the least. Adrien couldn't shake the feeling he was having, anger, sadness, ugh he couldn't put his finger on it. I'll have to talk to Plagg later about that. Miss Bustier was so amazed. "I had no idea we had two amazing actors in my class! Marinette and I will be having such a hard time picking between you two. I will tell the class tomorrow the results with Miss Marinette. See you all tomorrow!"

Adrien's POV

I need to get that role... I think that a certain kitty needs to visit his princess. "Plagg, claws out! I need to get to Mari's house and quick!" I tapped on her window.
"Oh hey kitty come on in, I have been wanting to talk to you about something. You see, I am helping to decide who plays the role of my lover in the school play. It was down to two really good actors. So I was thinking you could help me with the decision." This is the perfect time to persuade her into choosing me. I mean Adrien.
"I think you should go with the blonde model boy. He definitely seemed better than tomato head."
"Wait Chat I never told you he had red hair." Oh crap, I really need to be more careful with what I say.
"Well, he was the evilillustrator, so I kinda know him" Good save Agreste! "Well gotta go!" I got home and detransformed. I asked Plagg what emotion I was feeling earlier.
"Easy, you were jealous of Nathanael because he was getting Mari's attention and you weren't."


Who will Marinette and Miss Bustier choose?

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