Suprises for Everyone

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This is not my artwork.

Adrien's POV

     Well, back in school. The only reason I can tolerate school is because of Marinette. I'm so glad I get to act along side her. But with this role, as her lover, I don't feel like I am acting.
     The day whizzed by, I didn't evens know it was the end of the day until I went to drama club.
     "Adrien, Marinette is on the stage in the auditorium waiting for you. Please go meet her out there and stay on task." I could hear tomato head mutter his disdain for this.
     Just to make him mad, I turned around a smiled wide at him.  I could feel his eyes piercing me like lasers. I wandered my way toward the stage and caught Mari singing to herself. It was quiet but I could make out some lyrics.
   I knew the song. It was a song my mother used to sing with me as I went to sleep. I crept in and joined her in singing. She looked shocked, but continued.


I'll think of you, as I go
So when I leave, you're not alone
And no matter where we are
You are always in my heart
And I will think of you as I go

I'll think of you, as I dream
So when it's dark, you'll be with me
And no matter where we are
We can look up to the stars
'Cause I will think of you as I dream

Oh it's a long and winding road
But you don't have to walk alone
'Cause no matter where we are
I will keep you in my heart
And I will think of you
As I go

I'll think of you when I'm down
And my heart is on the ground
And I will never loose my way
Even when the skies are gray
'Cause I will think of you when I'm down

Oh it's a long and winding road
But you don't have to walk alone
'Cause no matter where we are
I will keep you in my heart
And I will think of you
As I go

     It's been forever since I heard that song. "Adrien! You have such a beautiful voice! And I've never known someone who knew this song too. Where did you learn it?"
     "Um, well, my mom used to sing me to bed... that was her favorite song." After that Mari didn't say much. I hope I didn't make it awkward.
     I decided to cut the tension and said, "Why don't we go ahead and start?" We started to act, and as usual, she was amazing. An hour passed by like nothing. We walked out of the auditorium and she looked uneasy while picking up her speed.
     Then, I asked her something, for the benefit of Chat. "Mari, do like anyone?"
     She was briefly shocked, and I was scared she didn't trust me enough to tell me, but she opened her mouth and said, "Um yeah, but you have to keep, it a secret, ok? I started to date Chat Noir. He is just so amazing! Everyone thinks he is super flirty but he is really sweet and I actually kind of like his puns and gosh now I'm rambling on." She began to giggle nervously.
      She likes my puns!? My cheeks lit up at the thought. "Wow, he is a lucky guy." She just blushed and waved then walked home. She is so cute.
     I swiftly hid myself in a back alley as I started to mutter out, "Plagg, claws out!" My leather suit appeared with an illuminating green glow as well as my mask, cat ears, and tail. I started to bolt towards my princess's house when I heard a loud commotion. Great, way to ruin my mood. I scurried to where I heard the screaming which was too close to Mari's house. I was surprised to see that Ladybug was already there. How did she get here so fast? I brushed off the thought and began to fight along side of her.
     Ladybug quickly filled me in. The akuma's name was Melody. Ladybug threw her yo yo as hard as she possibly could, like the speed of one hundred horses. Instead of knocking out Melody, the villakn grabbed the weapon and pulled LB with ease, as if she were a rag doll. Before Ladybug could respond, Melody already punched her in the face. My heart dropped as I saw that she was unconscious. How am I going to fight her without Ladybug? Melody then used her special move with. She swiped her hand across her torso as if she were swiping her hand across a sash.
     An electric keyboard appeared and she played a chord and hollered, "Sonic boom!" With that, I flew off my feet and slammed into a brick wall. The keyboard disappeared and she brought out a drum set.
   She struck the drum pads and yelled, "Melody madness!" After that, I saw Ladybug regain consciousness and wrap her yo yo around the akuma which brought her down. Ladybug had noticed a necklace with a treble clef on it and broke it. A black and purple butterfly flew out. She  was doing her normal cleansing routine as I walked to the girl.
     She told me her story and LB and I listened intently. Before she said anything, she told us her name was JoJo and she was from a state in the U.S.A called Ohio.

JoJo's POV

     I was auditioning for the talent show in Paris that day and was completely psyched about it. All my friends told me I was musically talented. If any instrument was put in front of me, I could play it superbly. So I went to the place where I was auditioning and found out that some blonde under the name "Bourgeois" took my place! When I went to the hotel room I found a strange butterfly and now I'm here.

Adrien's POV

     I listened to her story and thought what anyone else would have thought. Ugh, Chloe. Of course she was the cause! The world wouldn't have it any other way.

     Little did Chat know that this girl wasn't leaving this easily and she wasn't saying everything she knew.

     It's really late I wouldn't want to wake her. . . . . But, I could leave a gift.

Marinette's POV

      I continued walking home and Adrien left me alone. Finally, some alone time. I was humming as I walked into my extremely pink room.
     "Mari honey, you have a friend here to see you!" Who could that be? Before I could think, a flash of bright red pinned me against the wall, arms spread out. Oh great.
     "Well hello, Mari. Just thought I'd stop by to see you. You know, it's just my opinion, but Adrien and Chat aren't good enough for you. They don't love you, truly love you... but I do, and I will love you forever. If you let me." My nose crinkled in disgust as I slapped his face.
     "I get it, too straight forward. I will win you over Mari. A kiss farewell?" I shoved him out the door and heard screaming. Paris needs Ladybug. Not too far into the fight I got knocked unconscious. I don't remember anything right before then really. But when I was out, I had a dream.
     I was in a room, all alone when I saw Chat. He smiled at me and held out his hand for me to take it. I placed my hand in his and they fit perfectly. We smiled and had a great time together and he looked at my and proclaimed he was ready. Before I could ask he detransformed and there stood Adrien. I woke up and was full of adrenaline. There is no way they are the same person.
     I defeated the akuma and found out the girl was from Ohio. I stayed and talked with her more. I heard the agitating beeping of my miraculous and excused myself. I jumped into my room and found a note.

     Dear Princess,

I'm sorry I couldn't visit you today but I had business, you know, saving Paris. But if you ever need anything call this number. XXX-XXXX-XXXX 

Your Kitty

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