The Kiss

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Adrien's POV

     It's 6:06 "Great... I'm up two hours early for school.." What should I do to kill time...? An idea hits me. "Hey Plagg don't you think Mari deserves a visit from her favorite black cat?"
     "Kid no, absolutely not." I wouldn't listen to his complaining.
     "Plagg claws out!" I jumped out the window of my bedroom. I felt the rush of the wind blowing rhythmically with the beat of my heart. It was like a scene from a fairytale! I stopped when I heard singing, and as I looked down I was shocked to see my princess singing and dancing. Her voice reminded me of an angel, the look would suit her. I came down.
     "Hey, purrincess. That was some pawsitivly  purrfect singing. What song was it?" She groaned and I smirked at my wonderful puns. I really was curious about what she was singing.
     "It's an American song, so you probably won't know it. It's called Fireflies and it's by a band called Owl City. I really like their music..." She trails off sheepishly.
      "They sound like a great band, mind singing a few songs for me princess? I would absolutely love it." I love teasing my princess... She will probably say no anyway.
     She paused, looking like a deer in the headlights. "I won't judge," I said, trying to reassure her.
     She still looked uncomfortable, but smiled and said, "Sure thing kitty! But no judging my singing! Hold on let me get my speakers for the music." I can't believe princess is actually doing this for me! Ladybug would never do this. Maybe I should move o-
     "Alright, I'm ready! Just... Don't make fun.. got it?"
     "Alright, alright. Start singing Mari!" She started singing and I felt like I was on cloud 9. She looked like a model, and sounded as if she had been performing in front of a crowd since she was born. I started to listen to the lyrics. Man, this band is really good! I should start listening to them. I glanced at the clock. Oh crap! School starts in ten minutes. I guess time flies when you are with a princess.
     "Hey, princess, doesn't your school start soon? If you want to, I can take you." Oh no. I can already feel the blush storm starting.
     "Yeah Chat, I would love a ride! Er, um, how exactly are we getting there?" I held up my baton, she gave a nod. She got dressed and walked out. She held onto me tight and closed her eyes. I didn't need a mirror to know I looked like a tomato from blushing so much. We got to the school and I dropped her off. Everyone is here, perfect. Now is the perfect time. I bent down and kissed her on the cheek and left. Leaving a flustered Marinette and growing crowd. I guess I am over Ladybug..  Am I? My train of thought went off the tracks as I thought about auditions. Oh shoot! I completely forgot about them. I hope I got the role. I want it so much it might as well qualify as a physical need. I got in my room and detransformed. Plagg, as usual was begging for Camembert cheese. I gave him the cheese and right on time Nathalie knocked on the door. "Adrien it is time for school. Are you ready?"
     "I'm coming Nathalie. Let's go Plagg." I ran out the door into the limo excited to talk to Mari about me- I mean Chat, kissing her. Also about finding out if I got the role for the play. I walked into the classroom and saw Nathaneal flirting with Mari.  
    "Hey back off tomato head! Didn't you hear about Chat kissing her? She is obviously taken!" Sheesh, what's going on..?
     Before I could go on a familiar annoying blonde screeched, "Adrikins! What are you doing? You don't need to stand up for this- this worthless dweeb!"
     "Watch it Chloe! She is not a dweeb and she is not worthless! If anyone here is those two things it would be you! Now go away!" Chloe was so shocked I wished I had taken a photo and kept it. Mari hugged me so tight I couldn't breathe, but I didn't want her to stop. I was so happy to be this close to her.
     "Thanks for telling Chloe to back off and shooing off Nath. He is a nice guy but I don't see him that way." She shrugged and thanked me again. I sat down and waited patiently for the end of my classes. I felt bad for Mari though because she had to deal with all the questions about Chat's kiss. I am so glad that we don't have homework. This is perfect, now I can have more time to visit my princess.


     I entered Miss Bustier's class and found that the teacher and Mari were already up front. Everyone was already there. I sat down by Nath who scowled at the very sight of me. 
     "Alright class, settle down Marinette will now reveal who got the role. Go ahead Mari."
     "Well the person who got the lead is-" A loud crash sounded outside.
     "I'm sorry class, we will have to tell the winner tomorrow. Right now you all need to get to safety." I can't believe this! Thank you Hawkmoth so much for interrupting that. Now I have to wait until tomorrow. I ran to the bathroom and transformed. I went to the battlefield and saw Ladybug fighting the akuma.
     "Mind filling me in m'lady?"
     "Name, Heartcrusher. Real person, Chloe. Reason akumatized, Adrien crushed her heart saving someone else's. Item the akuma is in, sunglasses. Good enough for you?"
     "Yes, thank you." We beat the akuma fast and easy, probably the easiest akuma yet.
     "I have to visit someone. See ya LB." I ran off to Mari's house. She was fast asleep. I'll just let her sleep, I won't awake her. Besides it is twelve already.
    "Sleep well princess." I kissed her fore head and left.

Mari's POV

      I caught sight of the school and he dropped me off before I could thank him, he kissed me on the cheek. He left and I was stuck a stuttering mess, with a bunch of people with a bunch of questions. "Move it people, best friend coming through! Hey! You! I saw that! Mari is obviously taken! Hey girl, how you doing?" It was Alya, the bestest friend in the whole world.    
     "Yeah I'm fine." I walked into class and saw Nath waiting by my seat. That's unusual. He is usually in the back already.
     "H-hey Mari. I wanted to ask you something. U-um.... wouldyouliketogoonadatewithme?" He asked fast, but I knew what he had said. Before I could answer- 
     "Hey back off tomato head! Didn't you hear about Chat kissing her! She is obviously taken!" Adrien?!
     "Adrikins! What are you doing? You don't need to stand up for this, this worthless dweeb!"
     "Watch it Chloe! She is not a dweeb and she is not worthless! If anyone here is those two things it would be you! Now go away!" Everything happened so fast I didn't know how to respond. But I knew one thing- I was glad Adrien did it.
     "Thanks for telling Chloe to back off and shooing off Nath. He is a nice guy but I don't see him that way." I shrugged and thanked him a billion more times. I went to sit back down.     
     "Girl what was that about? Adrien was fighting for you and you talked to him! You can never talk to him like a normal human being!"
     "I guess Chat's kiss knocked some sense into me." Chat... The day seemed to drag on forever. End of the day. Now I can finally reveal the winner! I stood at the front of the class everyone filed in. Adrien was last.
     "Alright class, settle down Marinette will now reveal who got the role. Go ahead Mari." The grand reveal.
     "Alright class, settle down Marinette will now reveal who got the role. Go ahead Mari."
     "Well the winner is-" A loud boom went off outside the classroom. Great timing! Now I have to wait till tomorrow.
     "I'm sorry class, we will have to tell the winner tomorrow. Right now you all need to get to safety." I ran to the girls restroom and transformed.
     "I am Heartcrusher! And I will make sure Adrien Agreste is mine! Oh, there you are Ladybug. You are just in time. I know you're my hero and all but I'm going to have to take those miraculouses."
    "Never Heartcrusher!" Where is that silly kitty? I spot him running towards me. Speak of the devil.
    "Mind filling me in m'lady?"
    "It's Chloe again, but she's Heartcrusher now. The reason she wad akumatized was that Adrien crushed her heart saving someone else's. Item the akuma is in her sunglasses. Got it?"
     "Yes thank you." We beat the akuma and I purified it. Kitty looked anxious to leave, his eyes darting everywhere.
     "I have to visit someone. See ya LB." He's going to see Marinette, better hurry. I ran to my room and detransformed in my bed and without knowing I fell asleep. As I was sleeping I felt something soft on my forehead and speaking. That night I dreamt of Chat.

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