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Mari's POV

   "Chat. . . . . you have. . . . . to go on without me. . . . "
    "Mari, please, don't leave me! I can't go without you! No don't go!" I felt a fat tear roll down my cheek.
      "Chat!" I woke up realizing I was sweating. Tikki came to my side helping me.
     I kept feeling every part of me and repeating, "I'm here, I'm ok, I'm alive." After calming down, I glanced at the clock. I actually might be on time today! I hope Chat visits me tonight. I got up and looked in the mirror, I looked like a wet sponge, sweat dripping head to toe. I hopped in the shower, got dressed and did my hair. It's still pretty early. Let's go for a stroll.
     I walked downstairs and said goodbye to my parents. It was a quiet morning, usually Paris is buzzing with energy but it was still today. As I was strolling around, I heard a thump. I got in my battle stance ready to attack when I felt a tap on my shoulder. By instinct I turned around and punched, hard. I gasped as I saw a stunned Chat Noir holding his injured nose.
     "Chat! I am so sorry I heard something and my reflexes kicked in. Are you alright?"
     With his hand to his schnozz he replied, "I am fine princess! Don't worry about me. Though I will say, you have a claw-fully hard punch." Ugh, even when he is injured his puns never seem to disappear. Something in me caved, and I was tired of rolling my eyes, so I joined in.
      "You have cat to be kitten meow. Your puns are paw-sativly cat-astrophic. You need to be feline the puns, not just saying them." He looked so  amazed.
     "Princess, did you just say a pun? But not just one pun, but, like, a million and a half! You said like, six whole puns!" I giggled at his child like enthusiasm.
     "Would you like to walk with me kitty?" He nodded then blushed a little. It must be from the cold weather, right? We walked in silence, but a good silence. There were a few comments, small tidbits of conversation, but mostly quiet. I looked at my phone and told Chat I  had to go to school.
     "Do you want me to walk you there?" He said with a much too sly smirk.
     "No thanks, last time you did that I got thousands of Chat Noir fans with so many questions. Speaking of that, we will discuss that scene tonight, you hear me?" He chuckled and left. Stupid cat... I walked to school not having to worry about being late. As I walked into Miss Bustier's class, I saw I was the only one there. Well almost the only on there. Nathanael was there. He looked at me with a smirk. He never does that, he is always so sweet. He walked toward me and pulled me close. He doesn't know when to give up does he.
     "Well hello, Mari. Fancy seeing you here so early."
     I pushed him away and said as calmly as I could, "Um, Nath, class is about to start soon." At that Adrien came in and stood between us.
     "What do you think you are doing Agreste!? Mari isn't dating anyone, so I can do whatever I want." For some strange reason a shiver went down my back. I don't like how he worded that.
     "Yes, you might, but show Mari some respect! She does this thing called minding her own business, you should try it." I have never seen Adrien like this, sassy or protective- jealous even. It kind of reminds me of Chat... The morning bell rang. Thank goodness for that bell.
     "Hey Mari, are you ok? I don't know what got into Nath, seeing you and Chat are obviously a thing. You are, aren't you?" I was surprised to see Adrien talking to me.
     "Yeah, kinda. At least I I think so... see I don't really know what we are."
     "I am sure he would do whatever it took to get him away from you," he gestured toward the red headed artist, "and I am also sure that he sees you more than a friend." I blushed at the thought. More than a friend. Class started, but I wasn't paying attention. All I could think about is what Adrien said. More than a friend. Before I knew it, I was back in the drama room getting ready for the big breathtaking announcement.
     "Alright class, let's see if we can finally figure out who won. Marinette, please tell them."
     "The person who got the lead male role is... Adrien! Congratulations." Adrien looked as if he were on cloud nine, I didn't know getting this role meant so much to him. I'm not as excited as old Marinette would've been... It's just a role now.
     "Alright, Adrien rehearsals start tomorrow, you and Marinette will be working together." He shot me another smirk. Why does he remind me of Chat so much? As I was walking home I caught a sudden smell. It was strong scent, very foul smelling, and something else that must've been some kind of cologne. I turn around to see Chat.
     "I saw you walking home and you obviously already wanted to see me so, here is your knight, Princess." I smiled and walked home with my kitty. We talked for what seemed like hours. We talked about fashion, traveling, and Chat gave me a few hints on who is under the mask.
     "Ok ok, I will give you two hints. One- You know me under the mask, as a friend.  Two- I haven't been to school all my life." Well that totally narrows it down. We got to my bakery and went upstairs to my room.
     We got onto the topic of music. Apparently his favorite American band is Twenty One Pilots. He says they got really famous over the years. So we listened to some of their music: Migraine, Heathens, Ride, The Judge, and a few others. I obviously like Owl City, but I liked hearing his taste. We sat and listened to hours of music.
     I remembered something and said, "So Chat about that kiss, would you care to explain?"
     He started blushing and said, "Well, I wanted to show everyone that you are mine." I asked him what had been bugging me all day.
     "Chat, what are we?" He smiled and said, "Whatever you want us to be." As an answer, I cupped his face leaned in, and kissed him. He melted into it fast. It was sweet and innocent. "So, I guess that makes you my Chat Noir, huh?"
     "I like the way that sounds Princess." I fell asleep in his arms and he carried me to bed. Best night ever.
     "Goodnight Kitty.."

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