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Ok so I said earlier (see part 'I haven't ranted in a while') that I should talk to you guys
So here's my news!


Expect me to be too active.

But I'll tell you this. I'm trying to write a couple stories, and if I can continue one or both with them for a most of the story, I will publish them frequently

Though that will take a while.

I'm really into the one I'm writing right now.

If I get, let's say, 14 chapters in, I will give you the description.

Right now I am on chapter 6

I'm really actually going to try this time. I'm quite attached to my characters already, and one of them hasn't even been completely introduced yet! Eek! I'm so excited.

With my new efforts, I hope to see you soon.

Love Y'all!


Sushi's Random, random, and more random!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz