How did you get this way pt 2

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Meghan's P.O.V

Then they read the last part...
End flashback

It was about the place that meant everything to me. The place where I could get away from everything wrong. "My secret place that nobody knew about. The old hidden cellar buried in bushes and vines. It destroyed me to hear what happen in that place many years ago. I just can't believe my favorite place was a where a very scary gruesome murder took place. I could never see the world the same again," Max read out loud.

Tears welled up in my eyes and i tried to run but something held me back. It was Max. He told Harvey to go home and get something. I don't know what I could hear over the sounds of memories. Then Max brought everything back down to earth as he hugged me tightly.

Max's P.O.V

Once Meghan calmed down I wiped the tears from her eyes. She gave me a look that i could tell meant 'I'm sorry'.
I sat her on my lap and asked her if that's why she's so secretive and mysterious. She nodded. I sat and rubbed her back and then putty arm around her. She cuddled with me. Then Harvey walked through the door holding my guitar. Meghan sat up and Harvey handed me the guitar. When I started playing. Harvey stopped me and took me into Meg's short hallway. "Max I'm not going to fight you for Meghan," he told me.

"Thanks bro ," was all I could say... I was shocked.

He smiled. I know Harv has probably thought of maybe seeing Megs friends and how they are. He is a great brother.

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