Chapter thirty seven

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"Well we can commute to New York in the morning to get to headquarters." Frank suggests, scrolling down apartments on Gerard and his shared Mac.

"Definitely." Gerard nods, taking Frank's not busy hand and shoving his fingers in his mouth as he sits in his lap.

"You think we could move out after graduation?" Gerard nods around the digits

"We have enough money. I don't see why not." Gerard mumbles, removing his fingers to take a sip is coffee before shoving them back in his mouth.

Frank sighs in relief, closing the lap top and leaning back into the wheel-y chair Gerard insisted they get.

Gerard bounces as they walk into the tattoo and piercing shop, swinging Frank's hand as the younger holds the door open for his mother.

She goes to talk to the man up front, handing over the cards she had gotten her son for his birthday so long ago.

They sit down on some couches for awhile, waiting for some thirty year old chick to get everything ready.

Gerard stares open mouthed at the lady while she throws the used supplies into the trash box on the wall.

"No kissing?!" She nods.

"No kissing on the lips." She agrees, handing Frank a mirror to look at his nose and lip.

"For a week!" He emphasizes, his plucked eye brows almost disappearing under his blond bangs.

"For a week." She agrees, taking the mirror when Frank hands it back to her. Gerard puts a hand on his forehead, falling into Frank's lap.

"I won't survive!" He yells, over dramatic.

Frank chuckles, patting his head softly.


This is half written because I just got up from a nap and its 7:06. Five hours of homework here I come.

Votes and comments are always appreciated. I'll see you peoples tomorrow!

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