Aile advanced toward the deck, blasting any Galleons she happened to see on the way. On deck, there were a few deployers attached to the ship, letting out Galleons in rows. Knowing her plan, Aile began to blast the deploys off the ship. Fending off several deployers, Aile believed that she had gotten rid of all of them until one landed far too close to her, causing Aile to lose her balance as the doors of the deployer opened.
Out rushed several more Galleons that started to reveal two figures behind the group. The last two dashed directly toward the door leading into HQ. Already switching Model F out for Model X, Aile went straight in after them.
"I've seen them before..." Aile said to herself as she reentered Guardian HQ's dormitory level. Immediately, Aile heard the sounds of Rush coming toward her, begging for her critical attention. Regardless of the current circumstances, Aile gave the wolf-dog a quick squeeze around the neck, grateful that he was safe for now.
"Rush, it's not safe out here." she told her companion sternly. "Go get Muguet, or Rose."
But the wolf-dog was having none of it. A low woof alerted Aile that he knew something.
"You know where the intruders went?" the girl then questioned, finding herself a bit surprised.
Rush growled, indicated that he did know. Any other day, Aile would have questioned this, but she didn't have the time.
"Take me to them." she demanded. "Now!"
Affirming, Rush immediately led Aile down lower in HQ. They ended up in the reactor room, with the two intruders about to destroy the power source.
"Get away from that!" Aile demanded, pointing Model X's buster at the duo. They paused for a moment, looking at her with identical, blank glare.
"Do what the lady said and stand away from the reactor!" a familiar voice said from next to Aile. The girl gave a wild look at it to see Vent -Merged with Model Z-, giving her a rather cocky smile. Prairie was behind him, likely due to being the one to bring him to the room. The two exchanged a nod of greeting before turning back to the intruders.
"You two..." the female of the intruders (Pandora, Aile remembered) said in a slow, thinking tone. She looked at Aile saying, "Model X..." then she turned to Vent to say, "Model Z... together..."
"What a grand reunion of two powerful heroes." the male Reploid (Prometheus, as Aile could recall) agreed with a malicious smirk. "I was ordered to cut down the Guardians, what wonderful fate that it could happen this way!"
"Guess you're gonna have to wait a little longer." Vent snorted back before turning to Aile. "Take Prairie and Rush and get to the command room." he then told her, "Try to find the other half of the Biometals' data. I can handle him."
Aile looked at him with wide eyes. "But...!" she tried to protest. Meanwhile, Prometheus and Pandora were having their own discussions.
"Prometheus..." Pandora softly mewled, "It's not fair..."
"Don't worry," he snarled back at her, "I'll leave some fun for you. I won't guarantee in how many pieces though." With this, as Pandora teleported out, he pulled out his scythe and drew Aile and Vent's attention again.
"Go!" Vent quickly demanded before shoving Aile, Prairie, and Rush out of the room. Prometheus let out a cackle as he lunged at Vent when his back was turned, the boy was able to react quickly and blocked the blow. For a moment, the Reploid appeared surprised, but it quickly melted into a malicious glee.
"You know, I never got the chance to fight her." Prometheus informed Vent as the Reploid swung his scythe at Vent's neck. The boy let out a yelp as he ducked out of the way, and rolled underneath Prometheus. Vent then jumped with the Z-saber in hand, attempting an upward slash from behind the Reploid. The attempt was almost botched as Prometheus turned around, but the tip of Vent's blade clipped the Reploid's side. Prometheus let out a light sound of surprise from the contact before turning to look Vent dead in the eye. The boy backed away a bit, hoping that it had caused more damage than what it appeared. It hadn't, however.

FanfictionIt was early- way too early for 14 year old Vent. He had no right to complain though, he asked to come. He just didn't think that it would be this early in the morning. With the thoughts of a friend recently gone missing, Vent goes out with his care...