Heavy rain X Fits

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The cold night breeze wakes me up because am such a light sleeper. I groan before reaching for my phone. It read 1:3.am. The sift pelting of rain against the window starts a form of rhythm.

I toss and turn on the bed thinking of how exhausted I will be in the morning  if I didn't get back to sleep-byt I couldn't because am worried. Mark will have a fit soon. Worry spread across my chest making it beat faster. The rain increases in tempo accompanied by lightning and thunder. "Oh God"

A groan makes me turn my head. Mark is gripping the covers so tight his knuckles turns white. He must be having a nightmare. Mark never likes the rain or thunderstorms because he would always have a fit anytime it starts raining too heavily.

His fit is always accompanied by a raging fever. Best case scenario, the fever lasts the night. Worst case scenario, he passes out completely, leaving me in a frenzy state.  

I jump out of bed and run to shut the window in a lame attempt to drown out the noise of the thunderstorm. Mark isn't waking up.  He might look sound asleep to a stranger but taking a closer look, shinny streak of sweat can be seen running down his forehead and soaking the pillow. Waking him up will be a waste of time.

When we were younger, I didn't know what to do so, I would bury him under a huge puke of clothes in an attempt to shut out the noise. I would cry and pray to God to stop the rain. Eventually, the rain would stop and mark would have fallen asleep. It was a very dangerous technique.

But now, things were better. Mark would still have a fit once in a while if his memories were triggered. 

"He must have been thinking about his past earlier today" I mused.

I run across the room and quickly grab my phone and earphone.  I hastily scroll through my playlist, searching for a suitable song. I finally select Aquilo's Silhouette and crank up the volume to the loudest.

I insert both buds into Mark's hear and wipe the sweat off his forehead. His tensed muscle begin to relax and I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding.

I grab a towel and a cold bowl of water then sit next to him. I dip the towel in the bowl of water and place the damp towel on his head. I tend to several minutes until his temperature is back to normal. I sit on a chair and watch as Mark sleep,  his chest raising and falling gently.

I readjust my unconscious butt on the chair,watching Mark closely until sleep finally steals me away.

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