Chapter Three - "Nobody's Home"

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Her feelings she hides.

Her dreams she can't find,

She's losing her mind.

She's falling behind.

She can't find her place.

She's losing her faith.

She's falling from grace.

She's all over the place, yeah.

Chapter Three


               Sitting on the couch, in this new house, I wondered what was going to happen.  Harmony had left me here and told me she was going to get some people.  I didn't know and honestly?  I didn't really care.  All I wanted to do was find out who I was before this happened.  Why I felt like I did.

               Whilst we went in some large metallic box, which I'd found out was a car, I had been thinking about everything.  The way I acted, the way I spoke... even how I felt.  Almost like it had been drilled into me.

               Taking a look at my surroundings, I saw that the room was very elegant.  The walls were a creamy white, with a few paintings.  The floors were wood, with a large fluffy mat in the middle of the room.  Three white couches, one which I was sitting on, surrounded the carpet.

               Above the roaring fireplace, was a large portrait of a family.  They looked happy.  I wasn't sure if the portrait was real; the members had large white wings.  More images flashed before me, this time of people walking around with wings.

               Shaking my head I came back to reality.  I wanted to put my feet up but I was afraid to dirty the clean couch.

               “Immi!”  I heard a voice squeal before being pounced on. I saw a black haired girl, with bright brown eyes.  They were glassy – she looked like she was going to cry!  Feeling her crush me, I patted her awkwardly, what was I meant to do?  “I'm so glad you're okay!”

               “I-er-yeah? Um...”  I was lost for words.  I didn't even remember her.  I felt guilty for that.

               “Emily . I'm Emily!”  She didn't seem fazed that I had no idea who she was.  “We were best friends when we were up in He-”

               “When you both were in school.”  Another voice, which sounded on edge, interrupted her.  Looking up, I saw a blonde haired woman.  Her mouth was turned into a frown and she looked unhappy about something.  There was a mix of irritation mixed into her face too.

               “What?”  Obviously Emily hadn't meant school, unless she was surprised this woman knew her?  'He' didn't sound like 'school' at all.

               “Remember what we talked about, earlier?”  I heard Emily gasp before nodding.

               “Yeah, what I meant was when we lived elsewhere.  This isn't our home.  Ours is much nicer and... home-y.”

               “Oh.”  I didn't think that they lived here.  They seemed to look out of place.  “Do you know what happened to me?”

               “No, we don't.  Emily, get off Imogen.”  I'm guessing that Immi was a nickname for me, it made sense.  I preferred it to Imogen, it was short and sweet.  Somehow, that phrase reminded me of someone but I couldn't place my mind on it.

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