Chapter Seventeen - "Therapy"

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Give me therapy

I'm a walking travesty

But I'm smiling on everything

Therapy you were never a friend to me

and you can keep all your misery.”

Chapter Seventeen - “Therapy”


               Sitting on the lumpy mattress, I sighed in defeat.  I wanted to go out there but at the same time, I didn't.  They'd all lied.

               I'd wanted to speak to Balt, I really did, it's just that every time I wanted to say something, I'd remember that he hadn't told me.  Em... well, when she told me she couldn't tell me, that she physically couldn't, something inside me told me that she was telling the truth.  I think that the only people who hadn't come to talk were Saria and the other woman, whose name I didn't know.

               “Immi?  You awake?”  I heard Em call.  Sliding off the mattress, I made my way to the door.  Holding the handle, I contemplated letting her in but I didn't know if someone was with her.  I wasn't in the mood to see Harmony.  She'd already tried to coax me out, but I wasn't hearing her out.

               Pulling the door open, I made a small gap and peered out.  Em was there and she'd brought Balt.  Gulping, I smiled slightly.

               “Hi.”  I whispered.  Em grinned at me and Balt... well, he looked surprised to say the least.

               “You going to let us in?”  She asked, her voice showing hope.  “Please?  We'll tell you more about your past life... and Balt can tell us about what he is.  Come on, Immi!”  She begged.

               Looking at them both, I nodded.  I wanted to know more and it would be nice to have some company.  Openning the door wider, I motioned for them to come in.

               After Balt and Em walked in, I closed the door.  I didn't want the whole lot of them coming in.  As they sat down on the mattress, I made myself comfortable on the floor.  I didn't mind – the floor was almost as comfortable as the lumpy mattress.  It was completely silent, except for the muffled voices from downstairs.  Apart from everyone trying to get through to me, the only noise I heard was them all arguing.  I could tell from the raised voices and the... not so pleasant names.

               “You look a mess.”  Balt was the one who broke the silence.  Patting down my hair, I shook my head at him.

               “Thanks.”  I was still a little unsure what to say to him.  I didn't know if he was going to apologise or not.  He hadn't so far.  “So, Em,” I turned my attention to her, “what else are you going to tell me?”

               Em had been the only one I'd interacted with whilst locking myself away.  She'd told me what it was like being an angel and about how our home was.  Heaven, she'd called it.  Somehow, everything she told me sparked some form of recognition but I still didn't really remember anything.  Not even telling me I was an angel brought on memories.  The flashbacks had stopped too.

               “Well... you know how I was telling you about us being angels?  And how there are different species of things living on Earth?”  Em said, I nodded.  We'd talked, well she'd told me about it yesterday.  It was extremely interesting and it made me want to learn more.  “Do you remember that I said there were demons?”

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