Chapter Five - "Evil Angel"

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Hold it together.
Birds of a feather.
Nothing but lies and crooked wings.
I have the answer.
Spreading the cancer.
You are the faith inside me.
No, don't, leave me to die here.
Help me survive here, alone.
Don't, remember!

Put me to sleep, evil angel.
Open your wings, evil angel.

Chapter Five - "Evil Angel"


               The house was pretty amazing.  I'll give Gustav that.  It was large and spacious.  Everything inside looked delicate and expensive.  I was pretty sure the chandelier cost a lot; it looked like there were a thousand diamonds attached to it.  Although one thing sprung to mine; where was the gold?  I assumed he'd have gold either to attract angels or keep angels in here... gold to angels are like shiny objects to magpies.  It was one of their very few weaknesses.

               “Marcus!  My dear companion!  It's so good to see you again!”  I saw a young looking man walking down into the foyer of this mansion.  He didn't seem like an angel but didn't seem human either....  His accent was odd aswell.  It sounded like he was from Sweden... but I couldn't be too sure.  I never took note of the accents around the places I'd been to.

               “Gustav!”  Marcus let slip a smile.  “How have you been?”

               “Good!  Like always!  You should come round more often.”  This guy seemed to be really happy.  Like, over the top happy.  “Are we still rescuing young maid- Imogen?”  His eyes popped out of their sockets at the sight of Immi standing next to Marcus.  I couldn't help but see that she looked slightly nervous... again.

               “Hi.”  She squeaked and raised her hand to do a small wave.

               “When did you go out?”  How he managed to keep the happy tone and sound confused was surprising.  This guy really didn't let any negative vibes get to him.

               “A while ago...”  She trailed off and looked down at the floor.

               “Oh.  Well, uh... next time tell someone.  Who were you with before you left?”   From that sentence I gathered that they kept people with her like “guards”.  They must've been really crappy guards if an amnesiac angel was able to escape from them.

               “Caroline...”  She sighed.  Her tone of voice suggested that something had gone on between them.  I was curious to see what had happened.  I'd always gotten the impression that most angels were alright with each other.

               “Where is she?  Huh?  When I see her I'm going to give her a piece of my mind!”  We heard a screechy voice coming from behind one of the doors.  Somehow the voice seemed familiar.  Hearing the sound of heels (what was it with these angels and wearing heels?) us demons looked over to the source.  A blonde haired girl had swung open the door and stood in the doorway, and boy did she look mad.  Her face was turned into an unpleasant scowl and she looked as if she could murder.  I did recognise that she was an angel and... the same angel who was with Immi!  I thought Saria had said they'd abandon her... I looked over to see her wearing a scowl.  Maybe she was wrong this time.

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