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Ara groans, wrapping her cloak around her shoulders a little tighter, her face mostly hidden behind her scarf and hood. "Almost there, Xiao." She pats the side of the large Cloud Serpent softly, situating where all of her weapons and so forth are before they land. She was stationed in Val'Sharah today, to deal with the corrupted Ancients. They said she'd have a partner, but nobody told her who it was. Said it wasn't important, that they'd be at the landing site, waiting.

"Down, Xiao." She mumbles in Draconic quietly, Xiao obeying her master and diving below the clouds, into the trees and quickly curling into a halt at the landing site, druids and various other Hunters and Huntresses bustling around quickly.

"OH FUCKING HELL!" She jumps a little at the voice, looking over her shoulder at Zeith. Doesn't really say anything, just kind of half-assed waves as she puts both of her daggers at her hip, and a smaller, dark red one in her boot. "Please, tell me you aren't my partner for this bullshit." Zeith groans, crossing his arms and glaring at Ara, despite the fact that he... really can't see her.

"Probably. Ancients?" She asks quietly, earning just a nod in response. "Sorry, I am." She laughs a little, nudging the serpent. "Off ya go, Xiao." The serpent nods, flying off to the nothingness. Ara stretches out her back a little afterwards, patting Zeith on the chest. "Don't make this longer than it needs to be, let's go." And with that, she heads off into the corrupted Forest, pulling the knife from her boot and tossing it into the air, the metal clinking and shifting as it quickly shifts into her polearm, fire and all. She glances back at Zeith, who simply stares at it. She shakes her head, sighing and walks into the forest, mumbling to herself quietly.

Zeith sighs, weapons drawn as his eyes scan the forests. "Through here, I think." He calls out to Ara, who is a good seven or eight feet ahead. After pulling herself back through the thick cluster-fuck of trees, they both stand in a mostly empty clearing, a large, corrupted ancient in the center. "So, I was right." He snickers, nudging Ara, who simply rolls her eyes.

And there they stand, weapons drawn as they back around the ancient. Ara blinks, backing into the side of it, jumping out of the way as the ancient pulls it's arm around quickly to throw her off somewhere. "Well then. Sassy, I see." She blinks, having missed the attack by about three or four feet. She glances up at the ancient, pulling off her gauntlet and setting her hand on it's leg, the bandages around her hands a little bloody, not that she seems to care. "He's still in there.. He can still hear us, and he's trying to tell us to run.." She frowns, shaking her head and pulling her gauntlet back on. "I'm sorry, big guy.." She backs up again, wrinkling her nose and nodding at Zeith.

Both of the warriors charge at the ancient, who's eyes flick open not long after Ara's already upon the large tree. And with a simple flick of it's wrist, vines sprawl from the ground, wrapping around Ara's chest and sides, and simply throw her through a nearby tree. "RED!" Zeith growls out.

Ara groans, pulling herself up from the serious dent she's made in the ground from the impact, her head bleeding severely as she stumbles through the hole she made in the tree. "L-leave.. it.." She coughs a little, looking around, her armor in pieces, and polearm nowhere to be seen. "Zeith.." She falls to her knees, coughing again and holding a hand to her mouth. Not like he can hear her though, she can barely hear herself think over the cluster-fuck of a fight going on about thirty feet infront of her.

Zeith looks around, groaning a little. "Note to self, ancients hit like a truck.." He sighs, glancing around, not seeing Ara until he hears her, still coughing over by the destroyed tree. "SHIT, ARA." He shakes her a little after he reaches her. "You alright?"

She laughs a little, blood still pouring from her head. "What do you t-think?" She pulls off her remaining shoulderpad, which as been basically turned inside out, and had multiple pieces of the mail and metal plates stuck in her shoulder. She doesn't seem to care about the fact that there's probably a dozen, small, metal pieces and plates stuck in her shoulders and stands up, a little wobbly. She looks around, her eyes gray. She looks... awful. Not like anybody expected her to look good, but holy shit. She blinks at Zeith wraps an arm around her, guiding her a little back towards the landing, grumbling to herself.

Zeith blinks, glancing down at Ara as she just goes completely limp from the amount of blood she's lost, and not to mention the blunt-force trauma to the head. "Damnit, Red." He picks her up, grumbling to himself about this, that and the other.


"Will she be alright?" He asks the medic, who simply mumbles to herself for a moment before speaking.

"In theory, yes. She has four broken ribs, two fractures in her skull, a broken arm and one of her lungs almost collapsed, and lost enough blood for probably four people. None of us have any idea as to how A: She's still alive, and B: How she didn't get killed on impact. The blood loss should've killed her, even if the impact itself didn't." She blinks back at him, frowning. "If she wakes up or anything, let me know. I'll be down the hall." She bows a little, turning on her heel and walking out of the room. Not before Yami bursts into it, her eyes red and puffy.

"M-Mom?.." The small Magi stares at Ara, tears in her eyes still.

Zeith mumbles, sighing. "She's alive. She'll be alright, Yami." He shoos the medic away, leaning back in the chair and glaring at Ara, even if she can't see it.


"Kid, go home. If she wakes up, I'll get you on the comms. But you need sleep, you have Archmage duties back in Dalaran." Zeith mumbles at Yami, who is half-passed out in a chair in the corner of the room. She stares at him, her eyes still red and puffy from off and on crying all night. "Yami, no buts, go home." She sighs, and nods. Doesn't say anything and simply gets up, picking up her bag from the floor and closes the door behind her as she leaves.

Ara wrinkles her nose, her eyes fluttering for a moment but don't open. She coughs a little in her sleep, her body curling into a tight ball. Zeith puffs out his cheeks like a child for a moment before he un-curls one of Ara's hands, gripping it tightly. She mumbles a little, wrinkling her noses again before her body relaxes as she slips into a heavy sleep again.

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