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Randomly inspired by a thing on Tumblr I saw that was a headcannon for Hetalia because I'm trash, of UsUk that was like 'Hey what if England/Arthur was America/Alfred's guardian angel and slowly starts falling in love with the mortal'. And... Yeah.

I felt it would be kinda fitting for a Tsun Duo fic considering Ara's a Dragon and Zeith's mortal... well. Sin'dorei, but still mortal none the less. It will still be in the WoW universe, just as Ara being an angel rather than a dragon. In this AU, Ara died in battle against Gul'Dan, and Meriden and Yami never died during her time in Stratholme.

So here is this fic. Enjoy. Let me know if you want me to make it a multi-part or a one-shot. o.o

Everybody is assigned a guardian angel... that's nothing new, it's not rocket science... Most of the people we guard are family members after we have died... My case, it's not. My name is Arathana. I was killed... I don't even know how many years ago. I guard a warrior named Zeith Darkgazer. I got the order this morning... I had never even heard of him until this morning, apparently he is guilded with my daughter, and... Meriden.

"It's been a long time since I've been down here... on Azeroth." Ara stares at the center gates to Silvermoon, the angel stumbling a little as people walk through her... Not around her, through her... Nobody else can see her.

"Ma'am? Can you move, please?" A voice rings out from behind her, and she quickly turns her attention to it, freezing up in the middle of the street. Her face goes a little red as she just simply... stares at him. Not even in a strange way, she just stands there, admiring him in all his glory. "Um... Miss?"
"Right, uh... Sorry... You can see me?" Ara takes a small step back, out of his way... They got the description down, at least that much was done correctly.. A solid foot or so taller than her, maybe more, muscular as all hell, green eyes and dark black hair, a dark red scarf wrapped around his neck, a few faded strands of a gold thread throughout it... it seems familiar to Ara in a way. Chance she had a similar one when she was alive? A lot of her memories are gone, after all, so..
"Well, of course?" Zeith tilts his head a little, rubbing the back of his neck before looking up over her head at the people. "Hold on, dear." He quietly takes her arm, moving her out of the way as a carriage moves through the street, a sin'dorei woman sitting on the back of it with a bouquet of sunflowers in her arms.
Ara stiffens up a little, staring at the ground.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine... You make me happy when skies are gray... You'll never know, dear, how much I love you.... please don't take my sunshine away...

"I never got your name." He raises a brow at her, and she simply shakes her head, looking back at him and smiling softly.
"My name is Arathana." She smiles back, dark red hair pulled into a messy ponytail, eyes a dark green instead of blue, glowing softly. He blinks, smiling and bowing his head.
"Zeith. It's nice to meet you."

~Mini time-skip, about a week or so.

"Move!" Ara runs through the busy streets of Dalaran.. She more or less told him she died many, many years ago, and was sent back to the land of the living to take care of him... She can only be seen by people who have witnessed death... She quickly bursts through the doors of the infirmary, breath heavy and ragged. She was told this morning a warrior recently sent out to Northrend was sent into the Dalaran infirmary late last night. Whether it was fear, concern or anything in between that brought her to the steps of the infirmary so late this night, one may never know.
"Ara?" Zeith speaks quietly, looking up at her, a Sin'dorei woman wrapping bandages around his right arm, another around his chest. "Why are you h-- MOTHER FUCK!" He groans a little as Ara tackle-hugs him, both of the women blinking at her a few times, but simply don't say anything... they both know why she's here. He sighs, setting his chin on her head. "What was that about?"
"I thought you got really, really hurt okay!... I.." She frowns, quickly deciding not to say what she was about to. "I didn't want to fail what I was sent here to do... I was sent here to take care of you, I didn't want to fail on something so trivial.." She hugs him a little tighter, burying her face in his shoulder, looking at one of the women who simply smiles faintly, her eyes filled with sorrow.
"I was just getting these changed and then I was leaving. I'm alright, just a broken rib or two. Can you please get up though, you're crushing me." Zeith snickers a little as Ara quickly stands up, burying her face in a very light gray scarf, her face a little red. "Come on, I want to talk to you about something. Somebody, actually."

The two slowly walk on the wooden bridge, the brisk air of Grizzly Hills surrounding them. He knows she's been having flashbacks recently... Many of them including him, but with a woman he called 'Red' who looks surprisingly like herself.
"Have the visions stopped at all?" He speaks in a hushed tone, looking around them as they talk.
"No... If anything, they're more frequent and are lasting a little longer than the previous ones. Can I... ask you something though?" She looks up at him, smiling a little, her cheeks hollowed in slightly.
"Sure, but I'm not sure if I could answer it." Zeith simply shrugs, smiling softly back at her.
"In most of my visions, you're with a woman that you always refer to as 'Red'.. I've never heard you call her by her actual name, if she has one anyway.. And we look a lot alike. Dark red hair, pale skin, same build and we're about the same height if I remember correctly.. Who is she? I-If you don't mind me asking, that is.." She frowns, staring at the ground as they walk, his boots thumping softly on the wood.
"I was waiting for you to ask me about her... Red's name was Arathana, actually. And you're right, you two look a lot a like. The only major difference in appearance is she always wore her hair in a braid, and her eyes were this magnificent dark blue that never passively glowed... I remember her like she was standing infront of me... And not just one thing about her, everything..." He smiles like an idiot, pulling the scarf down to his neck. "She was... something else, without a doubt. She was a drake that I actually met in our guild, over the comms. She was always bitching at me about how I was an asshole and liked to harass me about stupid things. The first place I met her was actually at the inn in Dalaran, and she was... everything I didn't know I needed, really." He shrugs. "As far as what there is to say about her... Red was definitely one of the better, and yet worst people I've ever met. God she was awful sometimes. She was sassy and could be absolutely selfless. She was reckless, and shameless, and had a heart of ice that was only barely opened to me. She was bossy, and naive sometimes, and absolutely brutal when it came to fighting. She could take down a nine-foot tall demon that weighed thirteen hundred pounds like it was nothing. And her draconic form was absolutely beautiful, her scales a muted red color, white crystals that glowed a faint red-ish pink were scattered among them, but when it came to the people she cared about, she was one of the most gentle people you could ever want to meet..." He smiles again, only snapping out of his mini-rant when he feels tears running down his cheeks quietly. He quickly wipes them away, looking over at Ara who is standing behind him, smiling like an idiot.
"You loved her, didn't you?"
"And what gave you that idea, exactly?" He raises a brow, and she shrugs, running a little to catch up to him.
"You talk about her with such a passion, and care that only a person who was, and is, in love can speak with." She closes her eyes as she walks. "May I ask where she is now, then?"
Zeith frowns a little, chewing on his bottom lip. "She.... Died a while back... When we were still fighting the Legion, she was killed in the battle where we killed Gul'Dan... Her husband and daughter were there as well, and so was I.. She and I had more or less been involved for about fifty years at that point... Yes, she was married, but she and her husband weren't in love. They had grown up together, they never saw each other as romantic interests... But for the sake of keeping their bloodlines going, they were forced to get married...." He stares at the ground, slowly coming to a stop. "I.... watched the fel corrupt her, slowly encasing her body and literally ripping her soul out... I saw the small pieces of it slowly get pulled away from her, pulling the life out of her with it... Her screams would've scared even the strongest of warriors, the most emotionless people.. And I couldn't save her." He jumps a little as Ara kisses the top of his head, her arms wrapped loosely around his neck, comfortingly.
"I'm sorry, Zeith..."
"Why?.." He blinks, looking down at her.
"Because one of the few things that I remember from my life was seeing one of the people I cared about most being ripped away from me, and I couldn't do anything to save them... I don't remember even what they looked like... their name, how I knew them, if I could save them or... really anything. But I can remember the pain that followed after it... I remember that I didn't leave my house for weeks on end, and I didn't eat... I didn't exist for that time.." She smiles a little, hugging him tightly. "Please, don't be sad... I'm sure she'd be so proud of you if she was here now." Her ears perk up a little, eyes glowing softly.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine... You make me happy when skies are gray... You'll never know, dear, how much I love you.... please don't take my sunshine away...

The other night dear, as I lay sleeping... I dreamed I held you in my arms.. But when I woke, dear, I was mistaken... And I held my head, and I cried...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2016 ⏰

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