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"Red!" Ara squeaks a little, her pencil snapping mid stroke, leaving her drawing basically fucked over. Zeith snickers, crossing his arms and staring back at Ara, who's simply giving him a death glare.

"What, Salty wolf?" She shakes her head, setting her drawing on the railing and standing up, walking over and wrapping her arms around the warrior's neck, her eyes glowing a soft, dark blue. If the drake and wolf's relationship wasn't weird before hand, it is now. They've been a 'thing' for lack of better terms, for roughly a year this point. September turned to December, to March, and now they're here in early August, in Ara's small home in who fucking knows where at this point.

"Araaaaaaa." He groans, hugging the smaller Elf tightly before setting her on the railing, Ara just blinking like 'when the okay'. She crosses her arms over her chest, glaring back at him a little, her cheeks puffed out like a child. "We both got two months leave and it's been three weeks, we haven't done shit." He glares back at Ara, arms on the railing aside her, his face a few inches from hers.

Ara raises a brow, glaring back at him for a moment before pushing him away, hopping off the railing and thinking. "I have some stuff I need to take care of.. Nothing... too bad, but I'll be gone for a couple of hours. Plus, don't you have to pick up Cece anyways?" She speaks quietly, pulling her door open and walking to her armory, pulling her old armor set off the shelf. "I mean.. I do, but. You sure you don't want me to go with you?" She smiles a little as he calls back to her. "I'll be alright, Zeith!" She shakes her head, walking back out after a few moments, in a light-weight black leather armor and her two axes.

"See you in a while." She smiles, tilting her head and walking down the steps, Xiao dispersing out of nothing and curling around her master protectively. He doesn't need to know.


Ara mumbles, running a hand through her hair, staring at the headstone infront of her.

Zeith Darkgazer

She sighs, setting the small bouquet of flowers on the ground and pulling herself up, wiping the dried tears from her face. Her speech is quiet in the late December snow, her scarf wrapped tightly around her neck, hood up and cloak wrapped around her shoulders, the heavy, heavy snowfall leaving her basically invisible in the snow.. Like it should be.

"Come on, Kid." Ara nudges Cece, the girl crying loudly at the headstone, her knees pulled to her chest. Ara sighs a little, sitting back down next to her, wrapping her cloak around the Nightborne child, and her scarf around her neck. "He loved you, so, so much." She mumbles quietly, just for the two to hear... Since then, Ara's own appearance has changed, so much.. She dyed her hair from red to black, she's covered up all of her tattoos and she doesn't put in her piercings anymore, hasn't fought in probably twelve years and never goes to the front lines anymore, not to mention that she rarely leaves the house. She makes sure to leave though, and visit the Graveyard, every year on the same day.


I took away our perfect, happy ending, resetting the world despite the warnings.

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