Miss Everspire

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Semi-inspired from the Panic! At The Disco song 'Miss Jackson', and a few hints of Kagamine Len's 'Spice!', closer to a female version, for Ara.


"God Damn but I love her anyway." Zeith smiles like an idiot at the other Dragon, Ceo, who simply shakes her head. Sure as hell wouldn't be the first time he's bragged about Ara to her childhood friends Ceo and Vaan, always smiling like an idiot.
"Hey, Salty Wolf." The previously mentioned Dragon quietly walks back towards the table, smiling a little. She quickly spins on her heel, sitting down in the chair and yawning a little, sipping at her glass of... who even knows what alcoholic drink she's obsessed with at the moment.
"Well, I'll leave you two alone. I'm already wanted in like four cities, I don't need to be around you two as well." She pats Ara on the head, pulling her white hair into a ponytail, wrapping a scarf around her neck and quickly darting out the door. She wasn't wrong though, Ara and Zeith had been more or less, partners in crime for about two years at this point. Never anything romantic between the two, Lord knows that Ara made it apparent when she did have a new play-thing, usually female at that... The two, rarely three, weren't exactly quiet. Lord also knows that Zeith's had a thing for the Dragon for the good majority of those two years. The two are wanted in probably close to a dozen cities. Everything from second degree murder, usually courtesy of Ara, to theft of somewhere around two million gold's worth of armor, weapons, enchantments, and everything in between. Sometimes just straight up gold.
The two criminals sat in the back of the semi-run down bar in the middle of Howling Fjord, off the coast of the Frozen Sea, speaking in hushed tones, the shadows making their table virtually pitch-black. "We're looking for these two, have you seen them here by any chance?" Ara's ears perk up as she darts her eyes up at three guards standing up at the bar, holding up a piece of paper with the two's pictures.
"Time to go." Zeith mumbles quietly, Ara nodding in return as the two stand up quietly, the closest guard's eyes flicking over to them. In that moment, the two make a full-speed bolt for the back door, darting down the back alley, boots clinking somewhat loudly on the wet pavement, running like bats out of Hell.
"I didn't know we'd be running from the guards tonight, I would've worn lighter armor!" She calls ahead a little, the two dodging around crates, shady Rogues dealing... who even knows what, vendors, and everything in between. Quickly skidding on the pavement a little, he darts around a corner, pulling her along with him before the two pin themselves up against the wall, waiting until the stomping of boots from the guards slowly die down as they run off somewhere in the opposite direction.
"Fucking hell." Zeith sighs a little, pushing himself off the wall and shaking his head, raising a brow at Ara. "You alright?" She nods a little, smiling up at him.
"Perfectly fine, Salty Wolf." She smiles like an idiot again before walking past him quietly. "We need to leave though, before they find we're here. And I really don't want to be anywhere near them when they do, so." Ara pats a hand on his chest a few times, quietly jogging towards the outskirts out of the city, hood pulled back up.
The two reach the outskirts after a few minutes, Ara looking around quickly before shifting over to her Draconic form, the warrior quickly hopping onto her back, the two sailing through the sky back to the Storm Peaks.
"I keep forgetting you weigh a ton, Zeith." Ara sighs, stretching out her back. "Zeith?" She looks over her shoulder at him, raising a brow.
"Ara." He glares at her. His glares rarely scared her... But this one... This one did. He was serious. Deadly serious. "Enough of this."
"Of wh-"
"You know what!... Bringing random people home every few weeks. You and I agreed to move in together after we started this 'business' of ours, since Yami moved out a while ago, and so did Kavia and everybody else." His glare sharpens, causing her to shrink back a little. "You know I love you, and have for a while now. I know you know this because about the time I stopped hiding it, is when you started shutting yourself away from me and bringing people home. So, what do you think of me. I'll just make it simple as that, what am I to you, Arathana? Partner-In-Crime? Friend? Acceptable lover? Roommate? What." His glare sharpens again.
"I... I don't know. I was kind of hoping that if I brought in other people to fill that gap, that you'd either get sick of me, and leave, or stop loving me and find somebody actually decent." She laughs a little, looking off somewhere. "Trust is, you're right. I've known you've loved me for a while." She quietly walks over towards him, shrugging and smiling a little. "I do too. It's alright. I've known." She kisses the top of his head softly. "By the way, you're making dinner tonight." Ara turns on her heel quietly, walking up the steps and closing the door behind her.
"But God damn, I love her anyway."

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