By Your Side.

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I love being by your side
Watching you be successful while embracing your beauty
So much brain with so much booty
You really give a man something to hold on to
Something to come home to
I'm only 21 but I see a future of being your provider for my number one supporter
My mom told me last night God really made you for me
My dad asks about you too he thinks you're really pretty
I've never been more happy to have a person with me
I don't think I ever will unless we have a child
All of our features in a God blessed creation
A physical embodiment of our love more priceless than the diamonds on our fingers
Interlocking through every crease of our hands
Eternity will last long after we pass
Our love shall carry over to the after life
We'll have each other forever in paradise
I hope God lets us have a house next to a star
I bet our spirt's will shine like the clouds of heaven
Shine bright like the stars we'll brighten the heavens
Shine down in our grandchildren in the form of constellations 
I hope they see us & are inspired to love the same
I'm so blessed to know the soul who'll have my last name
Henceforth now and forever together I have faith that we'll always be lovers.

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