~Chapter 3~

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Y/n: Your name
W/t: Weapon type (aka sword, battle axe, spear)
H/c: Hair color
H/l: hair length
E/c: Eye color

~Asuna's POV~

When I reached the forest I saw Kirito hugging the girl, they looked like they had been together forever, like I didn't even exist. I growled and pulled Kirito's ear, I tugged him away and looked him in the eye. "It's not what it looks like!
Y/n started crying again!" Kirito exclaimed. "Were not!" Y/n stuck out her tongue. I giggled a bit and let go, just a misunderstanding that's all. "Oh. I'm so dumb aren't I? I thought you two loved each-other, it almost looked as if you were kissing!" I laughed. I saw Y/n turn a bright red, but maybe it was my imagination. I bit my lip as it grew almost silent. "We should be doing something shouldn't we?" I asked. "Yeah probably, but I don't know what we should do."
Y/n answered. I saw a nervous look on Kirito's face, then he looked up with a red face and asked,"Could we get something to eat?..." He trailed off. "FOOOD!" Y/n agreed jumping up.  I giggled and nodded. Plus, food sounded good anyways.

~Liz's POV~

I looked at the picture that the strange man had left, the girl in it was with Kirito. So Asuna must know her! But I wasn't relieved that I had a friend who probably knew the girl in this photo, instead I was scared, scared for this girl. By the sound of the man's voice, and how he dressed, I think he wasn't exactly a good player... I looked out the window and sighed. Was something bad going to happen? It was a dumb question, but after a cloaked man with a scary voice visited your blacksmith, it seemed like a reasonable question. "Hey Liz!" I looked over and saw three people, Asuna, Kirito, and the girl in the photo. "ITS YOU!" I yelled running over and shaking the girl. "Uh... What?" She asked, completely dumbfounded. "A cloaked man came in and asked for information about you, he gave me this picture." I explained handing her the photo. She yanked it away from me and peered closely at the picture. "Kirito... This is a picture of when we were walking through town... It... It couldn't be... Could it?" The girl muttered, loud enough to hear. Kirito looked at the picture and his eyes widened, "it has to be that guy!" Kirito yelled. "Hey not so loud!" I spat sassily.

~???'s POV~

I reached the forest in which I was told to meet. I yanked off my hood, revealing my shaggy brown hair, my piercing green eyes scanned the mysterious landscape. A dark figure made its way towards me. "I didn't get the information." I told the figure, I could tell that under the hood covering her face, that she was glaring. "You failed me. I wanted to know if she was still alive!" She screamed in an echoing voice. "Hey, hey... Dude she is still alive... I just kinda went pervert on her..." I trailed off. "YOU DID WHAT?!!!!!!" The figure screamed.

~Y/n's POV~

I felt myself slowly trembling, the picture, it had to be the man who grabbed me like a pervert. I shook and shook, it couldn't be, could it? My vision slowly grew blurry. I felt my legs collapse under me, and I was knocked out into a void of darkness. Around me was the cloaked men that killed my friends, I reached for my w/t and tensed as I realized it wasn't there. "You have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, nothing to fight with. You've left yourself trapped, now I'll ask you. Are you ready to come with us? Join us? Like you were destined to be? Choose wisely." They all said in unison. "No!" I screamed, attempting to be brave, but I knew I was scared, and they did too. "Help..." I whimpered at the brink of tears. "Y/n!" Kirito's voice yelled. I looked around, searching for Kirito, but there was nothing but plain black. "KIRITO!" I yelled, searching around. Finally I caught a glimpse of his pale skin, he was running straight towards me...

~Kirito's POV~

I couldn't believe that Y/n collapsed, I was really worried and we were back in the house we let her in when I saved her. She looked so peaceful when sleeping, her face was emotionless but lovely, her body was limp, but well shaped. "Stop checking her out! Pervert!" Asuna spat. I realized she was down on a bed in her underwear and bra. I turned red and looked away. "PERVERT!" Asuna screamed, tackling me. "I DIDN'T KNOW!" I yelled back. "YES YOU DID!" Asuna responded. It was a while before we stopped fighting each-other, Y/n had woken up and realized she was in her bra and undies, I was looking straight at her, and we were both bright red. "PERVERT!" She shrieked, she slapped me, hard. "OW!" I yelled.


We were alone in the bedroom, Y/n had gotten changed (not in front of me mind you) and we sat on the bed. Y/n was a bright red color, and I was embarrassed, and worried she lost interest in me. "I know you didn't mean it." Y/n finally spoke up. "Yeah... Sorry..." I muttered. "You don't need to apologize, it's my fault for slapping you." Y/n looked at me and placed her finger on my chin. She pulled my head towards her and looked me in the eyes and smiled. "Don't be shy." She whispered, pulling my face closer. Soon our four head's touched, and her lips neared mine. I went closer and soon our lips touched. Y/n was surprisingly gentle! And her lips were so soft. I never wanted this to end. When her lips released, I blushed.

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