~Chapter 6~

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Y/n: Your name
W/t: Weapon type (aka sword, battle axe, spear)
H/c: Hair color
H/l: hair length
E/c: Eye color
B/f: Best Friend

~Asuna's POV~

Kirito and Y/n had been dating for awhile now, they looked cute together. Whenever they were in public eye, they would still show cute affection by holding hands. I felt myself find my first OTP! When they had gotten home from after a date in the gardens I was making dinner. "WHOA! That smells great!" Y/n squeaked. Kirito chuckled at her childish but cute behavior. "Thanks! It's Steak and a fruit salad tonight!" I responded. Kirito had unequipped his armor and was now wearing pants, without a shirt. His body was chiseled like a detailed stone statue, boy must Y/n like it! But when I looked over at Y/n, she was blushing. I guess she wasn't used to the fact that Kirito was her boyfriend. Then, strangely a guard burst through the front door and ran into the living room. "Where is Kirito?!" The guard screamed. "Huh?!" Kirito quickly equipped into his black cloak again. "What is it?" He asked. "We need you on the front lines for a weak." The guard said, he seemed to be in a hurry.  "Wha?! A week? Why?!" Y/n spoke up and seemed baffled. "That isn't your business girl!" The guard spat, then turned back to Kirito. "I'll go." Kirito accepted. "But. BUT!" Y/n started. Kirito hugged her tightly, and she rested her head on his shoulder. "I'll be back. It's just a week, you have Asuna and B/f." Kirito said, before letter go and walking out with the guard. Y/n's face was painted with worry. "He'll be fine. He's Kirito after-all!" I giggled, a small smile appeared on Y/n's face and she relaxed. "Yeah... Your right!" She laughed.

~Kirito's POV~

As soon as we reached the dark, empty streets I asked,"Where are the other guys?" But then a jolt of energy struck through my body and I collapsed. CRAP! I was paralyzed. I managed to move my head and stared in shock at the guard. He was smirking, then he yanked of his helmet and I saw who he really was. He was a member of the Laughing Coffin. "What're you?!..." A strong impact of a fist when to my head and flung me across the street. My head slammed against a merchant post and the last thing I saw before mommy vision went fuzzy and I blacked out was the man picking me up and stuffing me in a bag. "I should've known!" I screamed as I entered the black darkness of 'I was stupid enough to get knocked out land.' Around me was nothing but black. Above me was black, below me was black. I didn't even know if I was standing on firm ground! "Good work, now with Kirito out of the way, now we just have to grab Asuna and then when Y/n realizes her friends are captive, she'll come with us in exchange for them!" A voice laughed. What have I gotten myself into?

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