~Chapter 4~

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Y/n: Your name
W/t: Weapon type (aka sword, battle axe, spear)
H/c: Hair color
H/l: hair length
E/c: Eye color
(Added) B/f: Best friend (yay)

~Liz's POV~

I finished closing up shop, last thing I needed to do was turn off the lights and leave. As I flicked the lights off, I looked around the moonlit town, it was empty. "Why did I stay late for work if nobody is here?!" I raged. I slapped my hands to my side and grabbed a teleport crystal to my house. I was about to crash it onto my feet when a cloaked figure ran at me with a sword. They swung it at me and I just barely blocked it with my sword. "Where is she?!" They asked in a booming voice, by the sound I knew it was a girl. "Who?..." I asked weakly as she grabbed me and held me by the neck. "Y/n!" She yelled as if it were obvious.

~Asuna's POV~

I rested my head on my fluffy pillow, trying to fall asleep. I could hear ruckus coming from Kirito and Y/n's room, but ignored it. I was trying to sleep! I groaned as I twisted in bed, they were really loud. I slapped my pillow on my face to block the noise and went on from there. But nope! God insisted that my sleep would be horrible!  The talking went on from there, I thought I heard crying, but I don't think I did.

~Y/n's POV~

After a while we talked about random things, it was kind of fun until Kirito brought up an interesting topic. Death. "Have you ever wondered what would happen if you died? What do you think death is like? An endless black void that your fighting to get out of?" Kirito mentioned. I lowered my gaze. "I always pictured a golden gate leading you to heaven, and heaven would be a big empire, coated with gold, silver, and white. I want to think the best, so that I won't be scared of dying... But I am. I'm scared that once I die, I will lose everything, my parents that are waiting for me in the real world.... And you..." I explained, a small tear rolled down my cheek. "I know somebody who was also scared of dying." Kirito said, my tears faded away and I looked up. Kirito was gently crying. "H-her name was Saki- she was so s-scared of dying. We were in a guild together... One day we went into a dungeon, we got stuck in a trap, everyone died, including Saki..." Kirito slowly started to cry more. "When I told the leader what had happened, and my real level, well he... Didn't see anymore use for life... Awhile later I did an event quest for a revival item, I got it, but I had to revive the person within 10 seconds, S-Saki was gone." Kirito burst into tears, lots of them. They fell from his cheeks and into a small puddle on the carpet. This wasn't something to laugh about, I wrapped my arms around him, squeezing him tightly. "Saki is watching over you right now." I reassured. "B-but..." Kirito sounded like a small child. "No buts. Your beating yourself over it, but if your doing that, it means you care, and if you care, I just know Saki will too..." I told him, giving him a gentle smile. Kirito's tears faded away, and he began to chuckle, which then turned into a laugh. "Wow! Your really a parental figure huh? Are you preparing to be a parent for a special someone?!" He joked. "N-no!" I blushed, man that was a stupid choice but it isn't like I could control it. "Y/n?" Kirito asked. I looked up at him. He cupped his hands around the sides of my face and pulled it close. He stared me in the eyes. "Ki-ri-to?..." I asked shakily. Every inch of my body was scared. "Do you- Love me?" Kirito asked with a serious face. If I saw no, his expression could be as grim as the black night, or as relieved as a sunny day. "Promise you won't laugh?..." I asked stupidly. Kirito nodded. "I-I-I!" I took a deep breath and felt my face heat up, it was probably tomato red about now. I squeezed my eyes shut and grabbed Kirito tightly. "I LOVE YOU!" I squeaked.

~Liz's POV~

I shook in fear while the cloaked woman held me tightly. I pointed to the house that Y/n was in, if this person was a threat, Kirito would protect her, wouldn't he? The cloaked woman let go. "Wise choice." They boomed before slipping into the shadows towards the house. I shook, they would be okay would they? As I reached for my crystal to go home something else grabbed me. A man with shaggy brown hair glared at me, and his piercing green eyes glowed in the darkness. He stuffed me in a large sack. I shrieked as the unsteady sack swayed, with me in it! "Help!" I would scream, but every time I did, the man kicked the bag and me. I was more scared than I have ever been in my life! First this death-game, now KIDNAPPED! Just great!


Time passed and I grew used the the bag swaying around. I muttered curse words and pouted, I was really peeved! Suddenly, WITHOUT WARNING the bag dropped and hurt my bottom. "Owwwww!" I complained. The man untied the bag and grabbed my shoulders, we were in a house. He then moved to my wrists and grabbed them. He propped me against the wall and I stared in fear. "Another cutie..." He smiled, licking his lips. CREEEEEEEEPPPPPYYYYY. I was frozen in fear when suddenly the man coughed up a small drop of blood. He shook for a moment and collapsed. I sighed in relief when I saw the cloaked woman. "THANK YOOOOOUUUU!" I hugged the woman, the hood came off and I saw the girl from the Attacking Duo! "WHOAAHH! Your-" I was cut off because she had covered my mouth with her hand. "No time to explain! Come on!" And she began to pull me towards the house I directed her to.

-It's kind of sad how this is all getting dumped on Liz. She must be really peeved about now!

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