Part 4 cont.

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As we walked to his room his mother called out to him and told him to come downstairs. " you know the way sweetheart 😉" he said. I wanted to throw up so badly because I didn't know what was going to happen. I had a thought of running into a different room but quickly laughed it off thinking about how it didn't help me the last time when he raped me so I just stood in the same spot. He came back upstairs and noticed I was in the same spot, you could tell he got ticked off a little bit because he clenched his jaw. He grabbed my arm roughly and pulled me into his room. " you think this shit is funny keep acting up and I'll fuck your dumbass up " he stated. Me being the fucking brainiac that I am said " Shut the fuck up I don't give two shits about you." . When I tell you the last thing I expected was the sting of my cheek boy I could fucking cry at how hard he hit me but I was tougher then that I refused to let his piece of shit ass see me cry again. So I picked my head up told him fuck you and walked right out his room , went downstairs and told my dad I'll see them at home. In reality I had made up my mind that I wasn't going home that I was going to stay at my friends house. Mind you this is that same friend that was suppose to be with me when he raped me. I couldn't bring myself to go home and act like I was okay when I wasn't so I called my mom and said I was staying at my friends house she didn't have a problem seeing as how she has known that family since I was 12. While walking to her house I see Tommy's friends. My heart was beating so fast that I could hear it in my ears. I put my hood up and kept my head down as I walked passed them as fast as I could. They didn't notice me thank god but I was still scared shitless. As I ran up the steps to her house all I could think about is what happened in Tommy's bedroom. She opens the door and as soon as she sees me we breakdown. I can't begin to explain how good it felt to just cry until I was like heaving to get my breath back. She asked for no explanation she was just there for me, offered me ice cream and hot chocolate my favorite things when I'm sad. While watching the movie  Enough I told her what happened but I never took my eyes off the screen I didn't want to see the look in her eyes. The look of pity, the look like I was some wounded puppy when I wasn't. I didn't tell her because I wanted that look I told her because I needed to get it off my chest I needed to just let it out before I broke down again.

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