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I didn't see Leo the summer before 9th grade but there was a reason. I mean isn't there always a reason. This particular summer is important to me because a lot of things took place. First it was the first summer I would get to start working. I worked at a camp with children but also with my friends. I had a few main friends named Reina, Souva, Nayomi, Ingrid and Irza. We worked together before but this time was different. Leo had summer school in the building we were working in so we saw each other occasionally.August 17 is a day I will never forget. I saw my fathers friends son Tommy and his friends. I only met tommy a few times so I didn't think he would remember me. I was wrong he remembered me . He called my friends and I over to him and we were talking for a while. We were done for the day so his friend asked Reina if we wanted to smoke she said not without her baby which was me so I said sure I'm with it because honestly what could've went wrong. So we go up to Kyle's (Tommy's friend) apartment to smoke but we didn't stay because his parents are home so we left to go to someone else's house. At that point should've been like chill maybe we should just go smoke in the park but again I didn't I just followed along. So we get to this other apartment and its quite shade but w.e we were just planning to smoke. It was us two girls and at least 5 guys plus tommy. We get into the place and we smoke three blunts together. The boys went to the kitchen to get food so we could watch a movie but me and Reina didn't want to watch the movie we wanted to leave because we had our siblings we had to pick up. So we decided to play a game while we waited for these boys. We ran into a room and we hid in the closet since the only other peice of furniture was a bed. Reina was talking about how she wanted to kiss one of the twins that was with us. We stopped talking when we heard footsteps coming towards the closet. The doors to the closet sprung open and I was grabbed by Tommy and Kyle took my spot next to reina and closed the doors. I couldn't stop giggling even though I knew something was wrong. I think it was the drugs but my high went away right when he dropped me on the bed in a different room. I was laying down so I decided to stay like that instead of getting up because I was getting a headache. Tommy started to kiss on my neck and grab my waist. It felt so good so I allowed him to continue. As he kissed on my neck I felt on his body and dear god it felt amazing. but his hands started going under my shirt and I asked him to stop but he didn't listen so I tried to move and he wouldn't let me. You know how in movies the girls get pinned and then they can't move and they try screaming for help but it doesn't help. That's exactly how it is or at least that's how it was for me. I tried everything but in the end I wasn't strong enough and he took it from me. He took away the thing that means the most to a girl, he took away my virginity. I felt like shit the rest of the week. I wouldn't leave my room for much. The only person that knew was my sister but she didn't know. She knew something happen but I was never able to tell her. Its been a year since it happened and I've only seen Tommy 6 times since that happened .

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