Crushed Berries

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The next morning, you arrived at the front gate a little earlier than the agreed upon time. To be more precise, you looked down at the watch around your wrist and saw that you were exactly 7 minutes early, the black digital numbers showcasing that it was 6:53am. 

You still couldn't believe that Negan had gotten you the watch. Feeling like a little kid on Christmas morning, you had repeatedly looked at it while getting dressed; heck, you were even able to know that you had randomly woke up at 4:13am last night without having to guess how late into the night it was, or get up and squint at the clock out in the hallway for confirmation. And you hadn't minded one bit when the chirping alarm woke you up out of a dead sleep, indicating that it was time to get ready for the outing.

Always having access to the time was a luxury that you had taken for granted before the apocalypse. Between cell phones, computers, car radios, and all the other electronic gadgets people used on a regular basis, time had never been a mystery. In fact, how often had you sat and stared at the clock, waiting impatiently for it to hit a certain number so that you could leave school or work or wherever else? That all seemed so frivolous now, when time was never a guarantee and always a valuable asset.

Since the apocalypse, you had learned that telling time meant more than just numbers on a clock. It was where the sun was in the sky, how deep the nighttime shadows reached, how long you had gone without fearing for your safety...and it was something that one didn't rush. No, time was precious now, in a way it had never been before. And yet, the thrill of being able to glance down and have an exact number to put to the instinctual estimate of your internal clock added an extra boost of happiness to your routine. Nowadays, it was the little things that could bring the most joy. Before, a guy buying you a watch would've caused you to scoff at his lack of originality, but receiving one from Negan was now ranked as one of the most thoughtful gestures you had ever experienced from a man.

And you were now about to see him for your second outing within the next make it 6 now...minutes. You shifted Ricardo up on your shoulder, wondering if you would need to use him again today. Thankfully, your jeans had only gotten a tiny drop of blood on the one thigh, which should wash out. You had re-worn said jeans, and put on a dark green T-shirt. Yes, it was the shirt that was cut lower and therefore showcased a bit more cleavage than usual. The one you had worn when Negan entered your room to check on your injured finger, and would've checked a few other body parts as well, if you hadn't stopped him. Whether wearing this shirt was purely by chance or premeditated intent, you would never tell.

It had still been mostly dark when you awoke, but now the first orange-hued rays of sunlight were creeping over The Sanctuary. The uppermost tip of the massive factory building was bathed in the illuminating sunbeams, and the compound was already coming to life, individuals stirring from their beds and starting the commute across the compound to their various task areas. The combination of both the sun and the people coming to life signified that the dark blue ocean of night was finished, and a new day had officially dawned.

At exactly 6:58am the front door to The Sanctuary opened, and Negan stepped out.

No matter how many times you saw him, or how long or short the time between interactions, your reaction was still instantaneous. The breath automatically caught in your throat, while your eyes were drawn like magnets to his form crossing the asphalt. His long, swaggered stride showcased arrogance and dominance; Lucille propped up over his right shoulder showcased authority and control. And his eyes locking onto yours from a distance of about 50 feet showcased both steel and warmth, making for a combination that managed to make you want to both take a metaphorical and physical step back, as well as want to rush forward into his arms and bring his face down to your own.

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