Before it all Happened

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This was before, before my life would change forever. I was a normal girl, with normal dreams, and a normal family. I had friends, actual friends that cared about me. I had a future, but one day, my life changed forever.

One day I was sitting at lunch with a few of my friends, they were all talking about how they were using dating websites, they said that I should try one. I got through the rest of the school day pretty excited to see what online dating was all about. When I finally got home, a slid my shoes off my feet, threw my bag on the couch, said hello to my mom and went into my room. I planned on staying there for the rest of the night. I grabbed my laptop from my desk and sat on my bed. I opened up the laptop, turned it on, and typed in my password, when I was on my account, I remembered my friends saying something about omegle, so that was the first website I visited. I soon learned that it was a video chat website, I didn't know if I should trust it, but I decided to continue on and see if I could find some nice people to chat with. Hours passed, there were some very disturbing things that I found on that website, but I also found some nice people that I exchanged numbers with. I started to chat with those people, when I decided that I was done using omegle. One guy out of the group seemed really nice, so I gave him my Facebook, and my Instagram. I looked at the time on my phone and realized that it was almost midnight. I decided to say goodnight to my new companion. I closed my laptop and placed it back on my desk, I turned off my bedroom light, got into bed, and very surprisingly fell asleep. The next morning, I wake up to my alarm, its 6:30am, and I am not ready for the day. I check my phone, the person that I was texting last night had already texted me saying
"Good morning darling"
We had talked a lot the night before, we had built up a relationship. Or all least, I thought we did.

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