The Hospital

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I wake up in a room, different room, same hospital. I wondered how long I had been in the hospital. This time Izzy and my mom were not in the room with me, I was all alone in a big empty room. The room smelled of doctors and disinfectant. Not a very pleasant smell but yet again I never liked the smell of doctors offices. Or any medical office as a matter of fact. I tried to sit up but I was weak, I could barely lift my head up an inch of the pillow, so I gave up trying to move in any way shape or form. Next I tried to call out to a doctor and I soon realized that my voice was nowhere near ready for any talking, it was more of a hoarse whisper. I soon gave up on that idea as well. I decided that is was useless to put strain on my body or my voice because obviously that wasn't going to work, I fell asleep once more. My eyes open, blinking rapidly as they adjust to the light.

"I'm still in this god damn hospital." I think to myself.

There was a nurse in the room now, she was rustling items on the countertop across the room, as she finished moving the items she washes her hands and then turns to me, she realizes that I am awake and immediately calls a doctor into the room. When the doctor walks in he asks how I was feeling.

"I feel fine." I manage to say, my voice sounding much better.

"Well that's good, we will just have to do some test to make sure that you are ok to walk out of this hospital today."

First the doctor told me to try and sit up, my muscles are sore from lying in that bed for so long, and not moving at all. But I slowly lift my body into a sitting position. The doctor does so normal body tests to make sure I was healthy. After the tests were complete that told me that I was fine to leave, but I shouldn't go to school until Monday the next week. The doctor tells the nurse that was out in the hallway at this point to call my mother, so she could pick me up. When my mom arrived, she helped me get dressed, and I rode out of the hospital in a wheelchair. My mom helped me into the car and shut the door, then she went to go return the wheelchair. I looked out the window, pondering my recent life choices. But my thought were interrupted by my mother opening the car for and getting inside the car. She asks me how I'm feeling.

"Surprisingly, tired." I say

My mother chuckles, and says "That's normal."

Then the car pulls out of the parking lot and onto the road. As we are driving a feel my eyelids get heavy, a try to stay awake, but I couldn't, mi utes later I was asleep. I wake up as the car is pulling into our driveway. My mom gets out of the car and comes around to my side of the car and opens the door. She carefully lifts me out of the seat, and onto my feet. I'm weak and I can barely stand on my own. My mother wraps my arm around her shoulder and reaches out to shut the car door. But seconds later she finds that closing the door with me leaning against her would be somewhat difficult so she decides to come back out and close it after I am inside. We walk together to the front door, mom opens the door and brings me inside. She sits me down on the couch, and I take my arm off her shoulder as I thank her. She gets up and walks out of the front door to go close the car door. All I could think about was how hungry I was.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2016 ⏰

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