2: "Easton is my alram clock."

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(Not like all watt pad stories does Rosie wake up to an alarm clock, no, she wakes
Up to something way more extravagant)

Thursday 6:00 am
The sound of my beeping phone wakes me up, "Easton would like to FaceTime"
I click the accept button, Easton was my alarm clock.
"HII ROSIE! ARE YOU READY FOR THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE?!" Easton screamed, it was really loud might I add.
I slammed my head under my pillow and fake cried.
"Aweee is Rosie cwing??" Easton said mimicking me. " you gotta get up sleepy head. I'm picking you up In an hour. Make a noise if your awake."
"Ehh." I said laughing. I sat up and looked at Easton through the screen and gave him a cheesy smile, "I'm up."
"Good" Easton said smiling and then we hung up.

      I curled my hair and did my makeup and decided to wear a mustard colored long sleeve shirt with normal jeans and a white sweater just in case it gets cooled.

      I curled my hair and did my makeup and decided to wear a mustard colored long sleeve shirt with normal jeans and a white sweater just in case it gets cooled

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Then I ate a bagel and waited for Easton

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Then I ate a bagel and waited for Easton. He finally came after 12 minutes.

     "Hi Easton!" I said getting into he's car.
"Good morning sunshine! Hurry because I have to pick up my friend, and Alice got a ride from her boyfriend."
"Haha, can her boyfriend even drive?" I said laughing.
"He's turning 17 in a month. There only like 3 months apart."
"Not even! He's In a grade below!" I said laughing.
"Still. Let's go."

We got to the guys house and he came out, might I add he was beautiful.
"Bye bye augy!" A little girl said following him while her mom chased after. That is adorable. "Bye Lilly, I have to go." The boy said and got into the car.

   "Hey man! This is my friend Rosie." Easton
Said introducing me, as I waved.
"Hey dude, it's nice to meet you." He said.
Dude?  I thought. "Did he just call me dude?" I whispered slowly turning around in my seat confused.
"He was talking to me Rosie. Haha." Easton laughed, along with his friend.
"And Rosie this is August." Easton said.
"Nice to meet you." I smiled.
He smirked back.
"So do you need a ride home Rosie?" Easton said turning his head towards me.
"If you could." I said cheery.:)
"And what about you August?"
"I think I'll be fine" August said and looked toward the window.
"Okay sweet." Easton said. And the rest of the way was abnormally silent.

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⏰ Son güncelleme: Sep 20, 2016 ⏰

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