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"Anyone need the bathroom?" I hear my mother call from the front seat. One of my earbuds has fallen out and "The One that Got Away" by Jake Owen plays faintly from the other one. I yank it out and toss the phone into the floorboard, leaning up to stretch my aching back and slip back into my Chuck Taylors, hiding Leo's beautiful face. The boy kind of looked like him, I smiled. Oh, how I wish this car would comply to my wishes and turn around in the direction of Cherry Beach. I was really hoping to see the boy there. Yes, it was a boy I knew, and even though we hadn't talked lately, I still held hope that the later trip my family was taking to the beach would lead me to him since he lives near enough. I was looking forward to that trip far more than I was this one, I thought as my untied sneakers smacked against the paved parking lot of a Flying J. I went in and embraced the smell of Cinnabon that always molests your nostrils and makes you want to stuff your face, ruining any chance of a bikini body you ever had.
"Hello" the girl behind the sweet spot of the tempting, body-annihilating, cinnamon concoctions says as sweetly as the little food demons surrounding her.
"Hey" I nod politely, smiling and moving quickly towards the restrooms, resisting temptation.
I booty-bump the door closed and proceed with building my nest of toilet paper on the seat.
Once I've scrubbed my hands clean of restroom, I enter back into the danger zone and push open the doors, reentering the parking lot and climbing back into the back of the Enclave. My joints feel slightly refreshed at least, but the cinnamon smell has my stomach complaining now. Ugh, I wish I'd gotten some peanuts. I ignore my stomach's cries for help and stuff my earbuds back into my ear holes and drift back into a rather uncomfortable slumber.


I wake up with a contorted neck that feels like it's going to fall off. I sit up and rub it, massaging my hands into it as I grimace. I shake off the ache, my vision coming into focus, and start to stare out the window at the passing town as my Pandora plays "Ride". I start to shoulder roll and nod my head to the music. Oohhhh woahh ohh ohh woahh I'm fallin', so I'm taking my time on my-
We've pulled up at a Krystal's. And my earbuds fall out of my ears and into my tank top slot. I pull them out completely and lean up in my seat.
"I want a regular Krystal with no onions and a chicken one too" I say leaning back down. I really need a water..
"And a sweet tea." Guilty pleasure. It's all just guilty pleasure. I hope this place we're heading to has a gym.
My father shows his annoyance at all of our special orders as he barks our requests out the widow to the poor, unknowing Krystal's employee. She mumbles our total and we pull around to the window and the smell really invades the car. It's heavenly. I haven't eaten since this morning.
"How far away are we?" I genuinely ask since I've been dead to the world for what seems like years. No one answers.
"HOW FAR?" I repeat, more adamant this time, and right as the food's being given to us. Whoops.
"Atlanta!" My mother eyes me. I shrug as she passes a mini burger to my mini sister, three mini burgers to my somewhat-mini brother, and finally, my food. The drinks are being passed around next. "Hour and a half" my dad says, stuffing practically a whole Krystal in his mouth.
Damn, I've slept like the whole way! I sit back and salt my food, starting my fast feast and forgetting about everything except.


The rest of the drive brings no sleep my way, but I did get peanuts at the next bathroom stop we made. Dry-roasted. Pure protein!
My Pandora radio keeps me company until the scenery turns to massive hills. I'm looking for their eyes, admiring the patterns in the rocks as the city flashes before me, and suddenly I'm in town, no longer natural beauties to stare at, but a lot of captivating lights active with life. I smile out the window as our hotel comes into view. There's a waterpark right next to it, so that's obviously what catches my eye. I make a mental note to ride everything, which will most likely be lost in the oblivion that is my mind, but I feel quite certain I'll keep a hunch. There's a giant cornucopia as tall as our hotel and it's alive with multicolored lights. This is no Cherry Beach, but I think it may be alright. It is a vacation, after all.

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