Split Personalities Derek/Stiles [part 1]

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Unexpected Help

‘Tonight was the full moon’ Stiles thought before closing the window and locking it making it secure.  He wasn’t going to have furry visitors busting into his room tonight.  He closed the blinds and then the curtains.

He looked at the clock and it said 7:48pm the moon has already started to make its climb toward the sky exerting her power over her subjects, werewolves, vampires (if they existed) and flowers that blooms at night. Stiles sighed and trudged downstairs and turned on the TV. A movie called Angels and Demons on SYFY channel.  It was two hours into the movie when Stiles fell asleep on the couch.

‘Stiles, Stiles, Stiles’ ghostly voices resounded in his head two feminine and one male voices.

Stiles, come to us, we can help,’ the voices echoed and he jerked away and looked around the room.

‘Stiles, come to us, we don’t have much time.’ The voices echoed and the door unlocked and creaked open making Stiles heart hammer like a frightened rabbit.


“AH!” Stiles yelled and turned to see his dad looking at him shocked. “Don’t scare me like that!” he demanded.

“Son, you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine, just was in a scary thought.”

“Okay, I’m just here to get something to eat then I have to leave again, something fishy is going on. I can feel it.”

“Okay, want me to make you something?” Stiles asked.

“Nah, going to make a sandwich and then skedaddle.”

“Okay then I’ll go to bed,” Stiles said.

“Alrighty then.”

Stiles hugged his dad, “Be careful out there, please.” Stiles whispered.

“Of course, son,” then they separate and Stiles headed up to his room.

‘Stiles come to us, meet us in the graveyard,” The voice said.

Curiosity and fear war with each other in Stiles’ mind.

‘Stiles come to us in the graveyard we can help you,” the voices said.

“Ugh fine.” Stiles caved and put on his tennis shoes and his jacket.  He pushed the curtain aside and bent a blind down to see through the window to see that his dad had left.  Stiles walk out of his room, down the stairs and out the front door.  He got into his jeep, started it and peeled out of the driveway heading to the graveyard.

It was fifteen minutes later when he arrived at the foreboding looking gate to the cemetery.  He pulled into the side of the road his jeep was concealed by the shadows of the trees.  He got out, his ears alert for any noise, there was nothing but the sound of the wind.  Stiles walked toward the gate, it was locked but Stiles knew he can squeeze between the big opening between the gates, he had done it before.  He opened the gate until the chain was pulled tight and Stiles grunted as he wiggled through the opening and  he was on the other side.

Stiles walked along the stony path when he came across an intersection.

‘This way,” the voices said and it sounded louder on his right, Stiles followed to the voices until he came across another intersection.

‘This way,’ the voices said coming from the left.

Stiles followed the voices, as he followed the path he noticed the headstones became more and more artistic and monumental he was heading into the ‘rich’ side of the cemetery.

‘This way,’ the voices echoed, but there was no intersection but the voices came from the right.

Stiles walked onto the grass between the headstones, then suddenly he hear whispers of echoey voices.

“Hello?”  He called out.

Suddenly there was a swirling fog, but it was different a normal fog would roll in and blanketed the entire area. This fog was boiling and roiling upward trying to take shape, then suddenly two more appeared next to it.

The fog smoothed out and became was a human like, the other two did the same.  The first figure was male, tall and regal, head black hair, brown eyes.  The second figure was a woman slightly shorter than the male, she had red long hair and green eyes.  The third figure was a woman same size as the other woman but had black hair as well.

“You look familiar,” Stiles whispered and he saw the graves that they stood next.

They read Patrick Hale, Emily Hale and Laura Hale.

“You’re Derek’s family?”

The male nodded.

“What do you want with me?” Stiles said slightly scared.

‘We’ve been watching you from afar, Stiles, you possess great knowledge about our kind,’ the make voice echoed in Stiles head. ‘You are a great asset to Derek’s pack.  Scott McCall his the brawn of the pack and you are the brain, Derek need all he can get to create his pack.

“Derek hates me, he don’t want me in his pack.” Stiles pointed out.

‘He doesn’t hate you, he is in despair, he is blinded by revenge and hatred toward Kate and Peter and guilt for being blind to Kate’s true intentions. You have the power to heal him, he protects you and Scott, he sees potential in you whether he fully realize that or not.

Stiles was stunned.  “Why did you call me here then?”

‘As I said you have great knowledge about our kind, you are intensely loyal, we want to give you a gift.’

“A gift?”

‘Yes, a gift of transformation, if you accept this gift you will become a werewolf, but unlike a normal transformation, you will be gifted with all of our knowledge we, the Hale family possessed.  You would be a Hale wolf regardless if Derek accepts you or not.’

“Become a werewolf?” Stiles mused.

‘We know you’ve been offered the bite by Peter, but you refused. You were wise to do that. We don’t have much time, the moon is fading this is our last chance to contact the physical world again.  Please make your choice.”

Stiles paced the area pondering the pros and cons of being a werewolf.

“I…. I accept.” Stiles said sealing his fate.

‘Okay it may burn for a minute but it’ll be over soon.’ The voice said.

The figures merged together and formed a wolf with purple eyes.

‘grrrrrr’ the wolf growled and ran full blast at Stiles.  The wolf jumped and slammed into the boy, the white fog seeped into his boys.  There was a burning sensation it was like his blood was on fire. He collapsed onto the ground writhing as quick as it came, the pain was gone and he was left on the ground panting.

Stiles struggled to get up and he did at last. He patted himself down feeling no difference.  There was a twig snapping in an instant and Stiles spun around looking for an intruder.  There wasn’t any, but Stiles had enough of the cemetery and began walking his way back.  He approached the gate and opening it failing to realize that the chain was broken.

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