Split Personalities Derek/Stiles [Part 3]

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Stiles woved through the trees admiring the scenery, he heard Derek approaching.

"How did you come you are  wolf if you didn't get bit?" Derek said determinded.

"I told you it was a gift," Stiles said smiled.

"How did you come about this gift?" Derek demanded.

"I have a feeling I can't outright tell you, however I could give you two hints and if you guess right, yay, if you guess wrong oh well, try again."

"What are the hints then?"

Stiles faced Derek and let his eyes shift purple, "The eyes are hint number one and the hint  number two is, find out what kind of moon yesterday was."

Derek looked confused.

"I got to go, hasta la vista," Stiles said and jogged through the trees and onto the school parking lot.

Derek didn't move, however the sound of Stiles Jeep roaring to life snapped him out of his stupor and ran back home.  The color of Stiles eyes was very familar but he couldn't put the name or face to it.


True to Stiles word, Stiles got several bags of food and was stuffing in the Jeep when he felt someone approaching him.

"Stiles," a voice with a accent to it.

Stiles turned and saw Danny with a bag approaching him.

"Hey Danny, I hear a hint of a weird accent, where were you from again?" Stiles blurted out.

Danny looked at him weird, "Um... I'm Puerto Rican."

"Oh cool."

"Anyway, why you weren't at practice?" Danny asked.

"Oh I'm quitting Lacrosse," Stiles said simply after closing the back door.

"What why?" Danny asked puzzled.

"I barely made it to first string and then all I do is warm the bench and watch Scott and Jackson tear each other to pieces.  I feel overshadowed by them so I quit."

"The coach will eat you alive, you know." Danny said.

"I know, what he yells will go out in one ear and other the other." Stiles said grinning.

There was a stretch of silence. Stiles said, "I don't have anything to do until 7 so do you want to hang out?"

"Sure, where to?" Danny said.

"The pizzarina?"

"Alright, meet you there."

Stiles nodded and got into his jeep and drove to the pizzarina and found a parking spot. Danny joined him few moments later and they walked into the building together.

After finding a seat they began to talk about bit of everything, their pizza finally arrived so they began to eat.

"So what happen to the hyper Stiles always asking questions?" Danny asked.

"Well lets just say I kind of mellowed out a bit." Stiles said.


"Am I attractive?" Stiles repeated the question he said earlier in the year.

Danny chuckles, "You still asking that question?"

Stiles nodded.

"Yes, Stiles you are attractive." Danny said.

Stiles smiled a blush racing up his neck.

They  finally ended the meal was walking toward their cars.

Stiles leaned up and kissed Danny on the cheek, "Thanks," he smiled.

Danny blushed and mumbled, "No problem."

"I'll see you tomorrow." Stiles said getting into his jeep.

"Ok, see you tomorrow then." Danny said backing away.

Stiles left the parking lot and went home not realizing he was being followed, a black camero trailing him in the distance.


The night came and passed without incident. Stiles made dinner and then went to his room ro do more research and then went to bed.  The morning came and Stiles got ready for school.  The day pass like normal, Scott going googoo gaga over Allison, Jackson being a jerk like normal. When practice came, Stiles purposely late by 15 mins.  He walked into the lockeroom  in his street clothes and walked towards the back where the coach Finstock was yelling at the players.


"Actually no."

Several players gasped, Scott was looking at Stiles shocked and Jackson was stunned but smirking at the same time.

"EXCUSE ME!!!!" Finstock shouted.

"You heard me, actually I quit."

Several players gasped again, "You quit!"

"Yes," Stiles said.

"No one quits my team, if they do they will always be quiters!" Coach FInstock said his face red.

"Blah blah blah, just because a person quits highschool sports doesn't mean that they will be quiters their whole life.  Lacrosse doesn't make me happy so why should I stay. Have a good day, fellas, good luck. Stilinki is out."

Stiles turned on his heels and he winked at Danny who was staring at him and walked out tuning out the coach's shouts.

Stiles felt is inner-wolf howling happiness as he walked down the steps toward his jeep.

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