Split Personalities Derek/Stiles [Part 2]

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Part 2

Stiles thrashed on the bed the bed shaking his head back and forth the voices echoing in his head.

"STILES!" and Stiles jolted awake looking around the room in a panick.

"Stiles," his dad shouted knocking on the door. "You have to go to school, hurry up."

"I'm up and getting ready," Stiles said jumping out the bed.

He dressed quickly and was stuffing his feet into his shoes when the memories of last night hit him. He accepted the gift, he dashed into the bathroom to look into the mirror.  He saw is normal face, brown eyes, his buzz cut grew out a little longer.

"Please don't tell me I have been gyped," Stile muttered.

He thought about something that would make him mad.  He thought about Scott kissing his crush Lydia.  There was a growl rumbling in his chest and he looked into the mirror and saw his eyes glowed purple.  He shook his head to dispel the anger and smiled.

'Thank you, Hale family' Stiles whispered and with a wink to himself turned the light off.

He got into his jeep and headed to school. Once he arrived he was blasted with the scent of many people, he wiggled his nose in dislike and approached the building.  I walked to my locker and opened it to take out my books.

"Stiles, man, where were you this morning?  I had to ride my bike all the way here." Scott said leaning against the lockers.

"Sorry I overslept, it was a weird night."

Scott stopped and got closer to Stiles and sniffed at him. "You smell different."

"Really, how so?" Stiles said smirking on the inside.

"You smell like berries from the woods and more animalisic," Scott tried to explain.

Stiles smiles and it suddenly click in Scott's mind.

"Hell no, I am going to kill him," Scott growled, before Stiles could correct him Scott turned and ran out the school and into the forest toward Derek's house.

"Fuck," Stiles snapped and ran after him easily gaining up on Scott.

Scott had wolf out and now using extra speed, Stiles rolled his eyes and increased his speed catching up to Scott.

"HE DIDN'T DO IT!" Stiles roared!

Scott skidded on the leaves and turned to face Stiles with his eyes glowing yellow.

"Then who did?" Scott said slowly reverting to his human form.

"No one did." Stiles as said panting.

"Who did what," A familar deep voice said off to the side.

"Derek, did you ever visited Stiles last night," Scott said his voice full of accusatory.

"No." Derek said crossing his arms.

"The how come Stiles is a werewolf?" Scott snapped

"What?" Derek said.

Stiles turned to face Derek.

"I am a werewolf now," Sties said his eyes flashing purple.

Derek's eyes narrowed and was in Stiles face in an instant. Stiles kept his eyes down, for a wolf that is not inducted into the pack looking into the Alpha eyes could be taken as a challenge. All Stiles wanted was for Derek to accept him.

"Look at me," Derek demanded.

Stiles carefully look at Derek's faceand Derek was reading him.

"How could you have possibly become a werewolf, I was locked up and betas can't cause the transformation. So how? Is there another alpha around here?" Derek said his voice laced with the alpha power.

"I wasn't bitten, if that is what you mean.  Is was a gift." Stiles said honestly.

Derek eyes went down to Stiles chest listening to the heart beats.

"So you didn't bite Stiles, then who did?" Scott asked.

"No one did," Derek said getting frustrated. "How did you come by this gift?"

There was a twig snapping, "That is a story for another time, we have company."

Stiles turned toward the sound, it turns out it was Allison.

"Allison, what are you doing here?" Scott said walking up to here.

"You and Stiles took off, I figured something happened and came to see if you need my help." Allison said looking at the other wolves.

"It was a misunderstanding that got solved," Stiles covered. "Scott why don't you escort Allison back to school and I'll go get my jeep since there is no sense to go to school since we missed most of the classes.  Unless Derek has any objections?"  Stiles looked at the alpha for objections.

Derek had none so Scott and Allison walked back, Stiles looked at the Alpha and smiled softly.

"I would like to be a member of your pack." Stiles said. "So what intination do you have for wolves who want to be part of your pack?"

"Normally we would spar then they submitt and bare their neck to me, since I already know you, all you have to do is bare your neck to me and submit."

"Sounds fair," Stiles said and turned his head exposing his neck.

Derek approached the younger wolve sniffing the air around him, he radiated confident and nervousness at the same time.Derek bent down and his shifted fangs latched onto the yonger's neck.  Stiles had submitted but Derek smelt and tasted arousal oozing from the boy in small amounts.  Derek let go and Stiles smiled a faint blush coloring his face.

"Now I am going to get my jeep, going to pick something up for dinner tonight and go home." Stiles said and turned walking away, but Derek followed him fully intent on having his questions answered.


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